Ok, here's the paydata.
According to Year of the Comet, Ghostwalker flew directly from the Rift in Washington DC to Denever, picking up a physical body somewhere on the way, and immediately began blasting the Aztland teocali. He engaged, and tried to physically tear apart, a giagantic spirit which was described as being red around the edges and covered in blood, but was destracted by an attack helicopter and a drone (shich he destroyed) and let the blood spirit go. The blood spirit got away.
So if that was the gestault that Ghostwalker was fighting (and I bet ou my right arm that it was) then the thing was not destroyed, but was probably torn up pretty bad. If the gestalt is a sum of all the linked indeviduals, then I'm sure that damage to the gestalt woud result in some of them actually being killed and the rest of the mass being propped up by the surviving mages. So maybe some of the important ones got geekd by the wizworm. Who can say?
If you have any more info on this, Retread, post it. You've got me really curious about this again.