Meh. If I wanted to see shaky camera work, I would watch home movies.
I'm also not a big fan of the girl swearing with the snot coming out of her nose.
I just think movies lack subtlety. I mean, I can sit down in a movie, and tell you in the first 10 minutes who's going to live, and who is going to die. The two actors that are the most physically compatable are going to end up together, because that's what they were hired for.
Oh, and if either of them has a boyfriend or girlfriend already, those people have to die too.
Well, I don't know that they are going to- more and more movies (not just hollywood anymore!) are becoming about flash than about substance or style.
Personally, I would rather watch an Alfred Hitchcock movie than one by Kevin Williamson or Quentin Tarantino.
I also think horror movies are a little played out- I mean, how many times are we going to have to listen to the 'creepy crawly' music as the heroine looks in the dark house for the bad guy?
How many times does the music slowly fade out before the 'thing jumps out and scares you?" or even better, "the cat or boyfriend is there so that's what you think it is, and THEN THE THING JUMPS OUT AND SCARES YOU!"
Actually, the first time I jumped at a movie in years was when I that car alarm went off in 28 Days Later.