Well, we christened the group by watching all 6 of the movies back-to-back-to-back... you get the idea. I wasn't even there for the whole movie event, and I was tired by the end of Empire and Jedi. Whew.
Of course it did help that we had all seen the movies a bajillion times before, so we heckled and came up with some suprisingly instightful stuff.
Did you ever know the Wicket was a pothead? Why else was he way out there by himself, and all paranoid, so he heard the stormtroopers coming? And why did he bond for life with Princess Leigha when she offered him food? Can you say Munchies?
And how many R2 units did they go through? At last count we figured about 8. I'm serious, it explain a whole lot- why R2 had those rockets in Episode 3, why he sucked again in Episode 4, and why he kicked ass again in episode 6. I'm just saying.
Anyway, the group is more for the excersize of all of us getting to play Jedi. A bunch of us played and loved Knights of the Old Republic (for those of you who have played, I'm sure you would understand) and so our game is set back in that era (Exar Kun saga, actually, for those of you nerdy enough to know what that is)