Ok, to both Kid_Vid and Zone, rremember, I said religion as it is an institution, not the individual. Make no mistake, I know some very fair-minded and good-hearted folks who happen to be fairly religious as well. Just look in a mirror, Kid_Vid. I am making a broad generalization that is backed up by 2,000+ years of human history. And I do think Zone has a good point about zealots getting into religions and then making it a mutation of what it was. I firmly believe that all religions are started with the best of intentions, but no one in the world believes anything the same way anyone else does, and therein lies the defeat of organizations, any organization, that becomes as large and dominant as the phenomina of religion has become in human society.
I won't say that I think religious people in particular are bad, or bigotted simply because they are religious, but I feel that in this case, by the previous post, that religion does foster an intolerance of other religions. There is no religion that as a whole embraces and supports the all of the precepts and tenants of any other religion.