.... had bit more to add..
i guess technomancer is suppose to be kinda magic/tech related, new form of awakening, they are essentially 2nd gen Otaku. they dont need a deck, or programs or anything, they got sprites, computer programs they write on their own, and are essentially like spirits, if you dont register "bind" them right they tend to go run wild, not going to attack you but like to play part time gremlins. They cant actually manifest, but, you can stick certian ones in drones and have them follow you around.
its kinda a weird thing.. im still trying to figure some things out.. like if they could do things like.. say, take over a drone or vechile being piloted by a rigger, or what, that would make it just a tad over powered.. but then again i guess its even more reason to invest in a really good firewall. and seems even technomancers have to speciallize a bit to be riggers.
course, theres downsides.. like the fact that when you run into IC you dont have anything filtering what they are sending to you, you are the filter.. you also got "Fading" which is essentially drain, you get it from complex forms (still reading about those) and creating sprites. and theres submersion, finding little special realms in the matrix where you can basicly "upgrade" yourself in diffrent ways, biofiltering upgrades, overclocking your LP sys clock so you act faster on the matrix, and other kinda of stuff. even create a "fire wire" link with another technomancer letting you know their general condition, their mood, if being attacked, pain, or what ever else when on-line. the other mancer could even link with the other person and get the same info. *shrugs* kinda cool and kinda weird.