Of the dragonlance books, any were questionable. Of the books (including the new generation... which I will reserve comment on), my favorites were:
Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Dragons of Winter Night
Dragons of Spring Dawning
Time of the Twins
War of the Twins
Test of the Twins
Dragons of Summer Flame (hey, I liked Tasslehoff's death... he stabbed God in the toe)
Legend of Huma
Weasel's Luck (not really connected to the rest of the series, so far as I know, I just liked it)
And that be all. I've since read most of the second generation, and almost all of the legend books, but trust me, these are the best ones. And if you really loved the first three, I wouldn't reccommend reading Dragons of Summer Flame. They kill some good characters and bring others back.