I'm still arround, I'm just a bit buisy to be a post-whore.
Got twin babies on the way, with their associated complications. I'm joining the California Highway Patrol, so I've got 1) working out & 2) testing eating up my free time. then, I'm trying to prepare my current job for life-post-ruski. I do lots of things for them, so they are hiring three people to take over my job, and I've got to train each of them.
mostly... life is buisy.
I still monitor the Play by Post, and Fiction threads, as well as the 'Technowenies' if you need to get ahold of me for somethin' or just need a laugh. (unless its something other than laughs that I provide... I did provide jokes about Gabe's mom for awhile there,... then everyone comblaned, so I switched it to jokes about my own mom... but that didn't go over well...)
-RuskiFace the Pirate