Just so we're specifically clear, I am the one who did the cleanup and deleted the bluk of your posts. I may have deleted something- or Ingo might have taken offense to your 'joke' on his marriage thread.
Right, no one ever bothered to let me know if they deleted something they found offensive, or why. Again, you didn't have to, but you'd think if I was creating a problem someone would let me know. No one ever did -- not a peep, except from Gabriel.
You are a problem poster, and I would like to say that you're not welcome here. But, sadly, I can't speak for everyone, and while Ingo doesn't like to take sides on things like this, I would have to say that it's reasonably clear from this post how everyone else feels about it.
It sure is, and of the people who asked me outside the forums that they'd like to see me come back here (there were a few of them, otherwise it wouldn't have even crossed my mind), I don't think any of them have posted to this thread.
Ruski seemed to be the only one who didn't mind you constant stream of crap, and I think that's mostly because it meant you were always around to talk to him (and Ruski was able to post at work, so there are very few people who could keep up with him).
The majority of you post totally deadpan, as though you have no sense of humor. You are insular among each other, not used to outsiders, hypersensitive, and tend to take everything personally. I never take anything that's said to me personally -- I treat others the way I want to be treated. Many of my posts were lighthearted and/or argumentative. Apparently, that's really stressful to a certain type of person; I just want to have fun.
I really just don't get it. This forum was mostly dead when I got here, and you guys were
complaining about the lack of members. I arrived, made jokes, was welcomed, started threads, and tried to participate. I received good karma at a relatively fast pace (I lost four points imediately after I "deleted" myself, I think I was up to eighteen), and people seemed to appreciate my contributions. Obviously, a fair number actually began to harbor grudges against me, which they failed to relate.
For the rest of us, skipping over your posts became a chore- your words would be anything from inflammatory to inane, to outright lies (like the fallout case you made and won an award for, that was a poorly altered image of a russian case that had won an award), and it did stop many here from participating in everyday conversation.
Yes, I lied once. It was wrong, and regrettable. I'd like to point out that in my opinion, rants and good-natured flaming are basically in good fun, especially when the bloody forum is quiet almost all of the time. I was genuinely trying to liven things up a bit. I don't expect anyone to give me a tear-choked pat on the back, but when I want to be an asshole, I go to the Ogrish forums (or the equivalent).
You're like the guest at a party where you have to run around, interrupting everyone to shout your opinions, moving as fast as possible to interrupt as many people as possible so you can feel popular. I think attention whore is an apt description.
No, I think that I posted a whole lot, as compared to most others, who hardly posted at all (except for Ruski and Luna). My posts were flamboyant and sometimes argumentative. Again, I seem to have stirred the muck in an insular and very slow-paced forum, which pleased some members (I know that for a fact) but apparently pissed off others.
And don't think that just because you couldn't see it, that there wasn't any discussion about your posting activities. There's a whole moderator forum that we discuss things like this, and in fact, there was a thread similar to this one at one point. I think the fact that so much time has passed, and we all feel the same way speaks for something.
I think that you really needed to let me know something was wrong before it got out of hand, which it obviously did. I was constantly told, "We're laid-back here, man, it's no problem. We're tolerant." So I posted edgy threads. A few of my posts vanished. But not a soul informed me that I was causing them any problems until Gabriel came on and started treating me much, much worse than I ever treated anyone else. And unlike me, he was actually aiming to cause hurt, which is impossible since I'm not oversensitive and don't choose to bear grudges and take everything personally.
Anyway, that's my .02Y
Noted. I have other forums to visit in which the entire moderation staff didn't decide I was nothing but a nuisance without bothering to drop even a hint, not even a subtle little hint, that there was a problem -- until I was invited back (not by you, granted), only to discover that everyone thought I was an asshole.
How charming. At least I'm honest with people when it comes to how I feel about them. The same can be said for Gabriel, I think. In all honesty, I liked each and every one of you in your own way, and still do -- even the ones who annoyed me (or tried to), including Gabriel.
- Pimp-Boy 2000