I love Eureka
one of my favorite shows
and you know if you go to scifis site for it, they have actually been showing the dang things out of frellong order!!
thats why it seems so disjointed at times.
Like last weeks show was supposed to air b4 the prior weeks episode.
I HATE when networks screw with shows, thats what happened to FireFly and the Tick
oh and yeah sorry but I have never been able to find that new battlestar galactica thing interesting, ever
cylons dont look like people man
they are supposed to be shiny and cool
KOTORs sith troops looked more like cylons than the things on that show
that and starbuck being a chick and boomer going from being a black man to an asian chick to a cylon asian chick or whatever was just silly IMHO
you want to have a chick pilot who smokes cigars (yuck) then fine just dont call her starbuck
[/rant off]
heh sorry