Okay. I'll do my best. About a year ago there was a party at a friend's. After a while, the beer reserve needed to be replenished so my friends left for a local dive to go pick up some carry out. I was drinking vodka so I didn't really need to go. When they come back, two people pull in shortly after. A man, multiple felon, drug abuser and parapelegic, in a 94 Firebird followed by two men in a white SUV. The man in this instance is not welcome at my friend's because he threatened to have him killed on a previous occasion. Coincidentally, this man also wants my friend to "talk it out" and get in his vehicle so they can go somewhere.
At this time, another of my friends and my best friend's girlfriend (now wife) approach the white SUV. I hear them shout something about them having a gun, a sawed-off shotgun to be specific. My friend comes unglued, grabs a broken shovel head and smashes the windshield of the Firebird and stalks angrily towards the SUV, threatening them with death. These men then peel out and my friend leaves with three others to follow these people. As the men in the SUV were leaving someone throws a rotten gallon of milk at their car and it splatters on their windshield. Hee.
Now the parapelegic refused to leave, saying that someone needed to pay for his windshield. I was left there to watch the house to make sure nothing else happened. When my friends finally returned the man was still there, sitting in his car, and after multiple threats he still refused to leave. So, I put on a blue bandana, ripped a spindle from the porch of my friend's house and jumped across the yard, around his vehicle and attempted to strike him with the spindle. The spindle broke on the outside of his window so I simply punched the hell out of him. At the same time, another kid, a friend of my friend proceeded to jump on the roof of the 'victim's' car and stomp the hell out of his windshield. He finally gave in and drove away.
The party continued as normal. Eventually this guy was pulled over, drunk out his mind in a shattered car, bloody. He refused to be taken to the hospital and wasn't allowed to make a statement until his BAC was at zero. He blamed the damage to his car on the two women that were there so we had to exhonorate them. Eventually I had to admit to the battery because they were going to charge my best friend with both. First offense, 45 days. Charges were Assault and Battery and Wearing a Mask to Commit. I had to plea-bargain down from a Felonious Assault.
Now, before you jump on my back about assaulting a parapelegic you need to know something. This guy was no saint. He is a multiple felon, with a history of violence and drug abuse. In fact, the reason he is in a wheelchair is because he successfully managed to torque someone off enough to want to kill him. He was shot through the side of his car with a deer rifle, killing his girlfriend and paralyzing him from the waist down. He threatened to kill the people that shot him too after stealing something from them, I believe. Nasty business. As far as I was concerned, this guy came to my friend's house in an attempt to kill him. Why else would he bring two strangers with a gun and then ask my friend to drive away with him?