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Author Topic: Heroes  (Read 29805 times)


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« Reply #345 on: May 24, 2007, 01:22:54 PM »

Yeah, I was curious about that too- especially as it affects Nathan's wife.

That would suck: "You're healed! Only not so much! Hope you did your walking while you could!!!"

I'm intruiged by the idea that Nathan might have been able to fly away without dying- but I think he was exposed to extreme doses of radiation while flying up there, and wouldn't have deserted his brother. Also, what are the odds of falling from that height without head injury? I wonder if Peter survived either.

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« Reply #346 on: May 25, 2007, 05:13:25 AM »

I wonder what exactly did Peter's old boss have to do with all this. What was his power? Did he drag peter back to the past...sorta
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« Reply #347 on: May 28, 2007, 06:58:03 PM »

- I didn't like how Hana Geitelman (aka Wireless) only made 1 episode, then she's killed off in the novel (at least that's what the title says, I haven't caught up yet).  I thought she was a pretty kewl character, very SR4 Technomancer-ish.
 - I didn't expect Linderman's death to happen the way it did.  Actually, I wasn't even expecting Linderman to die at all.  Wow.  
 - I also didn't expect Mr. Bennet's former superior to die.  Though something about that actor annoys me for some reason.

1. Why the heck didn't Peter just fly up into the sky by himself when he was going to go nuclear?  Duh?

1. Peter and Nathan fly up in the sky and blow up, Nathan could have used the momentum (remember he can break the sound barrier as per his first instance of flying) to fling Peter up higher while he flew away (absorbing lots of radiation).  Keep in mind, Ted's radioactivity, though very strong, doesn't seem to go out a large radius.  Case point: Ted going nuclear in the Bennet house, no one seemed to have any ill effects besides Mr. Bennet seeming to be burned a little.  Also remember it seems like Claire's regeneration power works as long as there isn't any damage to a certain part of the brain, seems to me like where the brain stem meets with the rest of the brain.. so I think Peter, if knocked unconscious (which he seems to do a lot), could probably fall and wake up as long as that part of the brain wasn't damaged.

2. Nathan, after being radiated (if not dead from the explosion mind you), could either lose his power or mutate in some way.  I don't think he would look any different, I doubt the writers/producers would want some mutated freak running around.. though maybe he loses his hair?

3. Sylar possibilities:  
 - He comes back mid 2nd season to get his vengeance.
 - He becomes paralyzed waist down (Hiro hit his spine maybe?), must use his psychokinesis powers to walk around.. maybe float around?
 - Also possible (after reading your theories) that someone dragged him away.  Another character gets introduced, becomes Slyar's lackey?  

4. Previous Heroes:  From what I gather, it seems like Peter's old boss (Simone's dad), was part of the  old organization.  The organization in which he, Nathan & Peter Petrelli's mom & dad, Linderman, and Hiro's dad were all apart of.  It seems like those who have powers can pass the ability to have a power to their offspring (goes along with Mohinder's theories of genetics and such).  Hiro's dad gave the most information about this group when it talked to Hiro.  I'm still wondering what the heck Mrs. Petrelli's power is, and she mentioned that her late husband was 'special' as well.  

 - Don't forget about Claire's real mom, she'll probably make a return sometime in the 2nd season.  

More expectations to come after I've read up on the online novel.


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« Reply #348 on: May 29, 2007, 09:17:58 AM »

i havent read any of the online stuff yet
heres a couple of ideas
yeah i was bugged by peters not just flying himself, but the way i understand it is, some of his powers he has to concentrate to use (or concentrate to not use) Since he ran into Sylar again and sylar picked up several more powers Peter probbaly absorbed all of them at once. There is also the possibility that he may have absorbed some double doses of powers he already had (Issac's vision, and Ted's radiation) This also might explain why Peter couldnt control it.
Just a theory anyway.  

so has anyone hearda ny mopre about "Origins"?
here is all ive seen so far
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Re: Heroes
« Reply #349 on: November 06, 2007, 04:48:45 AM »

hmmm, so Kensai is this mysterious adam who created the company and is now looking to kill I wonder, how did he live so long?
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Re: Heroes
« Reply #350 on: November 06, 2007, 09:08:01 AM »

I saw it coming. And as for living so long, well that's a typical healing factor thing. Look at Wolverine.

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Re: Heroes
« Reply #351 on: November 06, 2007, 12:04:41 PM »

Wait, you saw which part coming?

As for Peter, he has to focus in a specific way (which is different for each power). When he was on the rooftop with Claude, he used telekenisis to stop the staff, but only when he was angry. When he thinks about how much his brother means to him, he can fly. When he gets scared, he goes nuclear like Ted.

My honest opinion is that Peter couldn't fly because it was taking every ounce of energy to keep himself from exploding, although what Swirler was saying about double-doses of power might be true, too. So his brother came and flew with him (I'm assuming that Nathan didn't have to do all the heavy lifting once he got moving- Peter seemed to have an easier time with it when he was in close contact with someone), and then since we knew right away that Nathan survived, I assumed that he either threw Peter or dropped him before he exploded. From the preview for next week, it looks like he got a little radiation burn, and dropped him, and that's why he felt like he had failed Peter.

I'm interested to see what the deal with Kensai/Adam is. It almost sounds like he's trying to help Peter stop the company, and the company does lots of bad things, but maybe the company does bad things to stop worse things?

I've also spent time wondering what Mrs. Petrelli's powers are. And her husbands. And Nathan's sons.

I wonder what Peter's old boss had as powers (his name was Charles), and what he meant when he said that it wouldn't be the first time that Linderman was wrong. There's some very interesting stuff.

Oh, and sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Heroes: Origins is kinda dead. With the writer's strike, there's no one to write a mid-season show where America gets to voted and decide who lives and dies. So it looks like more reality shows next year. Yaaay. :-\

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Re: Heroes
« Reply #352 on: November 07, 2007, 04:45:27 AM »

I kinda forgot about origins. Oh well, guess I'll just read something
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Re: Heroes
« Reply #353 on: November 07, 2007, 09:34:44 AM »

Kid_Vid, I saw it coming that Kensei was running the company. At the begining of the last episode, you see a painting of Hiro and Kensei fighting, but in the painting, Hiro is wearing glasses, which he had taken off in Japan in the past. When he fought Kensie, no glasses. Then you see a chared body in the ashes of the tent, but the body still has a head, so Kensei could easily be alive. We know that the only thing that stops Claire and Peter is a sustained trauma to the brainstem/head/spinal cord. If Kensei got fried in teh blast, he would eventually come back. Oh, and the Godsend symbol for the company makes a LOT more sense when you think about Kensei and Hiro battleing in the future (which is how he woudl have to fight according to the clues in the painting.)

As for Company against Adam, well I think it is just a normal outgrowth of the "original" heroes getting corrupted by their power and abilities. When you realize that Bob has the Mides touch, well you can see how easily they would all become millionares if they flet the bonds of brotherhood strong enough to stick together. Now add in the idea that the "fellowship" seems to have broken some time back. You see that Ms. Petrelly (what the frag IS that slitch's power???) seems to be out of the loop for most of the first season. She has contact with Linderman, but it doesn't seem like she is really working with him, just using him to get Nathan elected. You also see that Mr. Nakamura has wondered from the fold, as evidenced by his nev er turning Hiro in to the Company. So I'm thinking that Adam is going to chastise the rest of the "original" group to show them the error of their ways and get them back to his agenda.

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Re: Heroes
« Reply #354 on: November 08, 2007, 07:16:15 AM »

I think Adam went all bad when hiro betrayed him and has pretty much stayed that way. He has probably had all kinds of world domination thoughts since then. And when he found a group of people who had powers he jumped on the opertunity. Some he was able to bend to his ways but not all.
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Re: Heroes
« Reply #355 on: November 09, 2007, 05:18:23 AM »

Exactly, that's why he hunts down the others; "for their onw good." What a bastard. I can't wait until he and Sylar meet up.

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Re: Heroes
« Reply #356 on: November 09, 2007, 11:00:44 AM »

Well, I think the meeting between Adam and Gabriel would be funny, because Adam could regenerate from whatever Sylar did, and Gabe can't steal anyone's powers anymore, so they would both be pretty frustrated.















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Re: Heroes
« Reply #357 on: November 10, 2007, 05:12:39 AM »

why Syler doesn't have his powers is something I'm still trying to nail down...
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Re: Heroes
« Reply #358 on: November 10, 2007, 10:41:38 AM »

Yeah, I'm not sure about that, either. I thought he still had them, when you heard the ticking of the clock and he clobbered the illusion lady (who is now the love interest on Reaper. ;D ), but then he couldn't take her powers, so I wonder if someone in the company rescued him, but put a block on him, to control his powers (aka prevent him from using them) because the girl said something along those lines.

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Re: Heroes
« Reply #359 on: November 11, 2007, 05:09:08 AM »

that crossed my mind too. Any thoughts gabe?
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