- I didn't like how Hana Geitelman (aka Wireless) only made 1 episode, then she's killed off in the novel (at least that's what the title says, I haven't caught up yet). I thought she was a pretty kewl character, very SR4 Technomancer-ish.
- I didn't expect Linderman's death to happen the way it did. Actually, I wasn't even expecting Linderman to die at all. Wow.
- I also didn't expect Mr. Bennet's former superior to die. Though something about that actor annoys me for some reason.
1. Why the heck didn't Peter just fly up into the sky by himself when he was going to go nuclear? Duh?
1. Peter and Nathan fly up in the sky and blow up, Nathan could have used the momentum (remember he can break the sound barrier as per his first instance of flying) to fling Peter up higher while he flew away (absorbing lots of radiation). Keep in mind, Ted's radioactivity, though very strong, doesn't seem to go out a large radius. Case point: Ted going nuclear in the Bennet house, no one seemed to have any ill effects besides Mr. Bennet seeming to be burned a little. Also remember it seems like Claire's regeneration power works as long as there isn't any damage to a certain part of the brain, seems to me like where the brain stem meets with the rest of the brain.. so I think Peter, if knocked unconscious (which he seems to do a lot), could probably fall and wake up as long as that part of the brain wasn't damaged.
2. Nathan, after being radiated (if not dead from the explosion mind you), could either lose his power or mutate in some way. I don't think he would look any different, I doubt the writers/producers would want some mutated freak running around.. though maybe he loses his hair?
3. Sylar possibilities:
- He comes back mid 2nd season to get his vengeance.
- He becomes paralyzed waist down (Hiro hit his spine maybe?), must use his psychokinesis powers to walk around.. maybe float around?
- Also possible (after reading your theories) that someone dragged him away. Another character gets introduced, becomes Slyar's lackey?
4. Previous Heroes: From what I gather, it seems like Peter's old boss (Simone's dad), was part of the old organization. The organization in which he, Nathan & Peter Petrelli's mom & dad, Linderman, and Hiro's dad were all apart of. It seems like those who have powers can pass the ability to have a power to their offspring (goes along with Mohinder's theories of genetics and such). Hiro's dad gave the most information about this group when it talked to Hiro. I'm still wondering what the heck Mrs. Petrelli's power is, and she mentioned that her late husband was 'special' as well.
- Don't forget about Claire's real mom, she'll probably make a return sometime in the 2nd season.
More expectations to come after I've read up on the online novel.