Hello Gilliam,
As I only own the 3rd edition rulebook, I would rather if we stuck to it as much as possible. This being said, I am open to suggestion and compromise.
Although we haven't figure out the exact time we would meet I can tell you this much:
It would be once a week. We would pretty much meet once a week just like we would in "real life" to play Shadowrun.
Although we haven't officially which software we would use, we will use a chatting program like Skype, ICQ, Yahoo Messenger or MSN.
We would then proceed to creating a chat room where the game would take place.
This means the players (you) would type rather than talk.
I understand this isn't as fast as talking live, but it's much, much faster than play-by-post which are virtually unplayable as far as I'm concerned. PbP works well if you're writing a collective story, but if you plan to play a real game, with the combat and dice rolling that it involves... PbP just doesn't work. It kills the rythm.
This doesn't mean however that the actual typing would be mediocre. I mean, I wouldn't want people to type like:
"I opn the door 'nd i atak whats there"
Hope this clarify a bit. Before you ask, I'm using the prority system for character generation.
Keep in touch.