First of all, mr. J could be just plain too stingy to hire 5 runners, when 2 could do, especially if they have enough of a rep that he thinks they might be able to pull it off, but not enough to just name their own fees.
As for the plotline and general playstyle, I'd probably go with stealth/social.
If you want into a building, you dont have to blow a big hole in one side and wlk in, usually there are already openings, so you can just sneak or scam your way in. Either are usually easier with small groups. Leave the drone outside, it can presumably be remote controlled, and as such is simply on call.
Tone down combat, from the characters they've made, I'd hazard that's not really what you players want to do all day anyway, and you can easily arange fights for them if you need/want to. Simply arrange them in situations where they can tailor things to their benefit (darkness/plenty of cover/whateverhaveyou). Remeber that most sec guards are rather poorly trained compared to your average runner, and thus are very vulnerable to penalties.
And they don't have to go up against leopard guards everytime.
Also, since they have a magician, you might want to tailor things a bit to that, by including sec.mages (or specifically choosing not to, to make things easier on the runners), or spirits, like K_V suggested.