Unsurprisingly, it's set during the reign of King Arthur (or just before, if you have the Boy King book). Well, actually in an an-historic period that's pretty much an amalgam of various versions of the Arthurian myth cycle.
Player characters are knights (in much the same way as SR characters are 'runners: there are alternatives, but they are pretty much secondary, and largely ignored, atleast by the 4th edition book that I have.), and as such do knightly stuff: Fight wars, defeat monsters, save damsels, get cursed, aquire holdings, go to tourneys, mess around with other peoples' wifes, go hunting, go questing, etc.
It uses a variant of the 'basic'-system, which you may know from Call of Chthulhu, but with a set of traits and passions. It's one of the earliest games I've seen to give a statline of sorts to a character's personality (and not just a silly boring alignment like d20 and it's predessesors), which helps you gain fame and glory if they (the traits) get extreme.
Ofcourse, as one player remarked to me, the easy path to glory (besides being filthy rich), is to get married early, and often.
Actually a cute little game, striking a decent enough balance between heroic fantazy and pseudo-realism.
Ofcourse, I must admit I mainly use the books as sources of inspiration for Ars Magica.
All that being said, we're getting a tad far off topic here people.