In Marvle's new "Ultimate" universe, Dr. Doom, known as Victor Von Damme, was a colleague of Reed and the gang as while they were being trained and harvested by the US Government. Von Damme altered Reeds coordinates during a teleportation experiment involving a HUGE telleportation device accessing the Negative Zone and the resulting explosion not only teleported all five of then across the globe, but altered there very physical make-up, thus granting them their super powers.
Von Damme's body began to slowly consume itself, replacing the dead tissue with living steel. During this time, Von Damme used his geneous to organize a type of commune in Europe, gathering himself a group of dispossesed citizens and branding them with mind-controlling tattoos, creating his own private army. He is still a mechanical geneous, but has since begun training himself in the mystical arts as well. He no longer wears a maks or armor because he IS the mask and armor.
Isn't it fun to rewrite history??