Star Trek is the thinking man's (or woman's) Star Wars. . .
In a way, yes, but then agin no.
They are of very different genres.
SW is more of a space opera/martial arts movie (yes, MA-movie. Don't let the rayguns fool you, there is the wise old teacher, the search for self improvement, the quest for revenge against the killer of your teacher... MA-movie. Yes, I have completely disregarded the never ones.)
Star Trek is much more hard sci-fi (though still focused on 'the human condition'). Tech is more important, because tech is relevant for what happes, it's not just scenary, but also sometime part of the storylines.
And ofcourse, some of us find it occasionally hilarious, when they utterly abuse something we happen to know something about, or just know what the words mean. Subspace (to pick an example) is a well-defined phenomenon in math, being basically a (matemathical) space wihich is part of the whole space you are considering, but only using fewer of the dimensions.