I just spent $20 to buy this movie last night. (My fiance wanted to see if the first Season of Beauty and the Geek was on DVD yet, and it's not, but I might start another thread for that)
I thought to myself "Self, you liked both Office Space and King of the Hill. Mike Judge seems like a pretty cool guy. You should buy this movie, because it looks funny!"
I was wrong.
The story is this: A completely average guy in the army is frozen in an army experiment. Turns out his superior was trying to start a prostitution ring on the side, so the army base is closed, and the experiment is forgotten about.
So this average guy sleeps for 500 years. In that 500 years, a trend continues that people have noticed even in our time. The example in the movie is this uptight and brilliant married couple who wait to have children, and end up never reproducing. By contrast, a trailer trash couple have 16 kids because they can't figure out how to stop getting pregnant. This also includes neighbors, so this one guy manages to have something like 40 kids total.
Multiply this by 500 years, and you have a nation full of dumbasses. Intelligence was almost purposefully bred out of humanity, and even the scientists were too busy trying to cure baldness and make people have erections longer, so there was no time for the big problems, like the pollution and trash of 500 years worth of consumer culture and morons.
Anyway, this guy wakes up, wanders around the future, and everyone is morons. They're starving, because the powerade of the future is used for everything- including watering plants, because it has 'electrolytes.' So the salt in those drinks kills the plants.
It almost looks like it was meant to be a biting social commentary, but... I have no idea who it was aimed at. Aside from the intelligent start that I just described to you, the rest of the movie was fart jokes, jokes about whores, and stupidity magified.
Essentially, if you would have enjoyed the biting social commentary, you probably wouldn't have liked the movie because of all the dick and fart jokes. And if you liked all the dick and fart jokes, you probably wouldn't have gotten what the movie was about.
I give this movie the lowest possible rating: .5 Bobs.