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Author Topic: Hey guys, I'm new around these parts  (Read 4804 times)


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Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« on: January 30, 2007, 05:49:50 AM »

A friend of mine (can't remember what his name is on here) instructed me to set up an account.  He says HI, More info when I get his freakin name.

Anyways, I'm new to shadowrun and I am using 4th ed(which i can see a lot of you don't like).  But I do have a few questions for the few of you that use 4th ed.

1 - uncouth - how do you make your players RP their characters when they have this negative quality?
2 - simsense virtigo - if the character has an AR overlay in their glasses (not burning into their eyes) do they still take the -2 dice pool mod?

Thanks guys, hope I can become a contributing member to the community.


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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2007, 06:02:26 AM »

Hoi BK5K,

Welcome to the Pub. Now, as you say, you know a lot of us "old timers" don't really like 4th edition, but I think I can help with your first question. As a GM, you need to make sure that your players, especially new players realize that Flaws are put there to be role played. They should come in to the game on a regular basis for them to BE flaws. So anyone taking a flaw that is more or less narrative-driven needs to know that he or she is responsible for acting it out. The flaw can always be bought off for 10xCost in Karma, but why bather? Flaws are fun to play.

As it happens, a chummer of mine played a Troll merc with the Uncouth flaw. He also took "Aztlan Food 6" as a knowledge skill. (This guy really enjoyed playing the character more than the stats of a character.) So he would walk around with a dozen or so ration bars in his pockets and smear Aztlan hot suace all over them during meets with Mr. Johnson. Then he would pick his teeth, belch, and fart. He couldn't care less about where he was or who he was around, he just let it rip. Now that might be a bit of a problem when you negotiate or haggle for money, but it adds character and fun to the game. RPG's are not really about getting the most gold, or best weapons. Those are just means to the end. After all, taken to the logical conclusion, every charater will eventually die. So have fun with your PC.


PS - Since you're new arond here, you need to buy the next round
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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2007, 06:07:42 AM »

actually...uh...i'm GMing this game
All of us are new to shadowrun, and i'm the only one with the balls big enough to say "ok guys, i think i understand it enough to make the game up"

The guy from the pub, his real name's dave if that helps he hasn't been on in a while, he's new to 4th ed so he's learning as much as the other players are.


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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2007, 06:12:53 AM »

Well, congratulations on taing the jump.

I hope you'll find it as rewarding as I have (I myself rarely play as anything but GM anymore).
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2007, 06:15:56 AM »

Well BK5K, don't be afraid to put your foot down with your player. Of course everyone is there to have fun, so you know how best to do that with your chummers. But remember, you're the GM so it's up to you to set the tone for the game. Don't be afraid to penalize a player who isn't playing by the rules. And since you're all new to it, just have some fun with it. Hell, you could even suggest your players get on the Pub too. A bit of emersion in the fluff of the game can go a long way to getting into the spirit of the game.

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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2007, 06:21:42 AM »

Well, congratulations on taing the jump.

I hope you'll find it as rewarding as I have (I myself rarely play as anything but GM anymore).

This is the cycle that happens over time, my first gaming group that was dnd i ended up being DM, I was the first to learn d20 modern...i havn't played as a pc in many games.

Anways, back to sr, I think this is the most interesting and most fun system i've ever played.  I do need to know if there is a guide to convert vehicles from the rigger's black book (back in 2nd ed I think) to 4th ed.  I'd like to have more vehicle options than the handful they give in the core book.


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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2007, 06:54:18 AM »

You're probably going to have to wait for a new version of the Black Book. Sr is notorious for not having decent intraedition conversions. You may have to make some stuff up. :-\

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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2007, 10:24:02 AM »

anyone know where i can get some good shadowrun fan art?


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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2007, 10:44:50 AM »

Ah, a friend of one of the brothers of the Apocolypse. Welcome.

As for art, generally I just image search 'shadowrun art' - its hit and miss, but I have gotten some good stuff that way.
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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2007, 12:52:31 PM » has some great random art on it. I've gotten tons of ideas from the members on that site. But it is a BBS, so you have to look around a lot, and the content changes daily.

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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2007, 01:02:57 PM »

Hey BK5K, welcome to the pub. It's not that we hate 4th Edition rules, per se, but I just don't understand why there was a rules change. I mean, I can understand that they're trying to do a restart- to restart all the sourcebooks and rules so that people will buy them all again and make a bunch of money for the company, but I don't see the benefit other than that. I also don't see the benefit of changing the ruleset completely- if they had integrated the wireless matrix into 4th edition with the old rules, I still wouldn't have liked it, but it would have felt like the game was developing, rather than jsut being... almost a different game.

Also, I learned 4th edition rules because I offered to GM games for the Shadowrun booth, so I do know a little bit about running games for it, although not much- I wouldn't consider anything I say "Expert opinion."

That being said, I would give someone the -2 dice modifier for using AR glasses- it's not that the image is being broadcast directly into thier eyes, but that they get dizzy anytime they interact with AR. I also apply the modifier for smaller things like smartlinks- just because this flaw is one of those that gets abused sometimes.

Also, I think Gabe is pretty spot-on with his 'uncouth' scenario- and if anyone would know, he would, if you know what I mean. ;D Just kidding. But not really.

Last, if you wanted to help run a 4th edtion game on here so I can polish my understanding of the rules, I'd be grateful to you.

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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2007, 02:25:34 PM »

thanks for all your help guys,

As for the request to run a shadowrun game on the pub, sorry I don't have time to run two games right now.  I just dropped 2 games this week due to scheduling difficulties.

Do you guys ever play in IRC?


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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2007, 04:51:02 PM »

No, unfortunately. My experiences with pickup games on IRC were not pleasant.

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1) Shoot First
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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2007, 05:00:05 AM »

And just try getting games together between people on 4 seperate continents. OUCH! I have a hard enough time juggling 4 seperate work schedules, much less 4 global time zones.

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Re:Hey guys, I'm new around these parts
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2007, 06:41:43 PM »

my friend's name is Janus_neckbreaker in the pub

Kid_vid, he specifically told me to tell you "hi"

Right now he has no internet, but I'm sure when he gets it he will start posting back here.
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