Hey BK5K, welcome to the pub. It's not that we
hate 4th Edition rules, per se, but I just don't understand why there was a rules change. I mean, I can understand that they're trying to do a restart- to restart all the sourcebooks and rules so that people will buy them all again and make a bunch of money for the company, but I don't see the benefit other than that. I also don't see the benefit of changing the ruleset completely- if they had integrated the wireless matrix into 4th edition with the old rules, I still wouldn't have liked it, but it would have felt like the game was developing, rather than jsut being... almost a different game.
Also, I learned 4th edition rules because I offered to GM games for the Shadowrun booth, so I do know a little bit about running games for it, although not much- I wouldn't consider anything I say "Expert opinion."
That being said, I would give someone the -2 dice modifier for using AR glasses- it's not that the image is being broadcast directly into thier eyes, but that they get dizzy anytime they interact with AR. I also apply the modifier for smaller things like smartlinks- just because this flaw is one of those that gets abused sometimes.
Also, I think Gabe is pretty spot-on with his 'uncouth' scenario- and if anyone would know, he would, if you know what I mean.

Just kidding. But not really.
Last, if you wanted to help run a 4th edtion game on here so I can polish my understanding of the rules, I'd be grateful to you.