If it was genetic, then two people with identical genes would have identical genetic expression. For instance, if two identical twins have family history of a certain type of cancer, only one of them needs to be tested for it, at least at a young age. Later in life other factors can come into play, but at young ages, identical twins are just that-identical.
The human genome is completely mapped. They're not sure what all the bits and peices do, but they know where all of them are, and they're constantly experimenting to see what the parts we don't understand do.
Not a lick of actual scientific research has ever corroborated the idea that homosexuality is genetic. Not one. Even the "esteemed" reports I found were poorly done, even if by expert researchers. I think one of the big problems is that no one is approaching this with an open mind. People expect to be proven right, and they find evidence that supports that theory, even if other evidence would normally lead them to question the findings.
I know a lot of people who say that homosexuality is genetic. I don't beleive that to be the case, and after all the research I've done, I'm not swayed in the slightest. Maybe that lumps me in with the people who refuse to see opposing evidence, but I actually approached my research in the honest desire to find fact. I found a lot of posteuring, and a lot of bad science, and a lot of quoted bible verses, but I didn't find anything that said that homosexuality is genetic. Or cause by physical anatomical differences. There is no difference between the brain of a healthy homosexual subject and a healthy heterosexual one, aside from slight brain pattern differences that differ between everyone- even identical twins.
Okay, so I think this movie comes out over July 4th Weekend.