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Author Topic: Quality Shadowrun-type movies  (Read 19378 times)


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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #30 on: February 13, 2007, 11:24:44 AM »

So I broke down and watched Equalibrium last night.  I'm thinkin I know how I can convert that to Shadowrun.  First off they'd have to be a physad and definately a high level initate.  But for starter characters they'd still be in training (much like his son in the movie).  The various levels of initate would be Gun Kata, which I'm guessing would add to your dice or something like that (i'm still not sure yet on that).  Plus all the rest of the edges you'd need, etc etc.  So I might give it a try.  We'll see.  I'll let you all know what I turn out with.


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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #31 on: February 13, 2007, 01:06:26 PM »

Well, with each level of initiate, you could spend adept points to reflect greater training in pistols (improved combat skill- pistols), and if you initiate once or twice... whoo. Ouch.

"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #32 on: February 13, 2007, 06:25:02 PM »

Definately sounds good.  I'm still tossin the idea around, I got the paper and penicl's out, but I have so much other planning going on tryin to help my brother with his "SUPER VAMPIRE" complete with cyberware.  But yes badass movie and definately do-able!


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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #33 on: February 14, 2007, 04:55:34 AM »

You know, all of this sounds VERY munchkinesque. A pistol adept would REALLY throw off game balance. And a cybernetic vampire? Well, vampire regenerate, it doesn't matter if they had chrome before they were turned, the regenration still kicks in and repairs taht "damage" regardless.

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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #34 on: February 14, 2007, 08:03:00 AM »

Oh I understand that Gabe...but see this brings me back to that post were I mentioned the Shadowrun novel The Terminus Experiment.  In that book it explained how it would be possible for a vampire to possess cyberware and it not be kicked out during regen.  Sort of like it's part of the natural body.  Something about the Delta strain.  So naturally I ok'd my lil bro to have it.  I mean even though WE know how that can be unbalancing, my bro is still a noob and will more then likely suffer some sort of blunt force trama to the head and/or spine which would impare his regenerative ability thus killing his vampire and making him go back to his ugly troll who might I add was attacked by a devil rat after he arrived for a meet and was preparing to enter the rear entrence of the club (sorry but I enjoy picking on him, isn't that what brothers do?)  Yet might I add that I sacrificed one of my high level characters to save his troll's life.  My expert rigger took a sniper bullet to her left nipple and into her lung and died on the scene.


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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2007, 08:36:37 AM »

She got sniped by a devil rat? That's one nasty rat! ;) But I see your point about letting him create the guy and then kill him off. Get it out of his system I suppose. Good idea.

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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #36 on: February 14, 2007, 01:37:11 PM »

Exactly.  See I am beyond fair as a GM and I always let my players know up front.  Half of you will not survive.  That's just how I do.  When I do a run I always script like it is some kind of epic world changing run.  You'll end up making a drekload of cred and meeting some of the highest level shadow players.  Drek, Tiger has Richard Villers, and Damieon Knight on his speed dial!  You'll make a bunch of karma to boot.  Now for my PBP run I'm not gonna be so..."dramatic" if you will.  But I will promise it won't be easy.  It's the nature of the business, and some players lose that concept!


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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #37 on: February 18, 2007, 10:51:05 PM »

If you want a movie that can show you how a shadowrun can be botched, watch the Ladykillers with Tom Hanks. It's funny, and anything bad that can ruin a plan happens. Recommeded for comically evil GM's.

Doom the movie hits my list as well. High tech (Ignore the teleportation for now. . .) Lots of guns and assume the demons are just angry spirits. Pretty good for a gritty-about to die- situation.

The Alien Series, has some valid points about advanced tech, AI, and paracritters.

By reading this, you have just given me temporary control of your brain. . .


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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2007, 04:59:56 AM »

Personally, I like numbers 2 and 4 for this kind of thing. #2 becasue it's your average bug-hunt and #4 because you coudl adapt it to any kind of high tech/industrial setting and substitute the aliens for bug spirits. Fun fun fun.

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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2007, 06:36:26 PM »

The only part of DOOM the movie that I liked was after his sister injected him and made him superhuman.  The camera angles made me think I was playing the game myself!


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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2007, 04:54:24 AM »

I never had the faintest desire to see that movie.

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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2007, 09:10:48 AM »

I never had the faintest desire to see that movie.

Neither did I, but there was nothing else on tv, and it was the only movie starting on HBO so I watched it.  I mean I'll watch any movie once, but this movie I would not watch a second time.


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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2007, 11:04:36 AM »

I just can't stand The Rock. I mean come on, they guy got acting lessons from WRESTLING! Doesn't sound like an Oscar winner to me.

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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2007, 12:59:46 PM »

Oh hell no the acting sucked donkey nuts...can I say that on here?  Anyway, even the action really didn't make it worth watching, although I wouldn't mind playing with the BFG...


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Re:Quality Shadowrun-type movies
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2007, 08:06:59 PM »

I think I'd rather play the game than watch the movie...which is really saying something since I generally have low interest/attention span when it comes to most video games.
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