Alright I had to ask Mercy to sit this one out for two reasons. One he was late turning his character in, which I can easily let slide, but I had specifically designed this run for the runners I currently had. So I hope everyone is alright with that.
So here's the list:
Patch (Kid_Vid) - Street Sam
Ark (Curris) - Decker/Mage
Starhiker (AJ) - Physad
Trinity (Nike) - Sniper
Being as your contacts are well diverse and it would take a couple days worth of posts to roleplay the four of you together for a meet, I'm gonna make life so much easier on myself. By the powers vested in my by the creators of Shadowrun, I grant thee a free contact by the name of Fuzzy (Fixer). He's a low life son of a slitch but he's always got the goods you need, and can move you stolen drek at the speed of light. Not to mention he always knows somebody that needs something done and is willing to pay. So he's worth knowing if you can plow through the pile of bulldrek that comes with him.
Well I have a few things to take care of today, but by this afternoon/early evening I should have the first bit of the run posted. But I do have a few formalities to finish. Like I had mentioned before I'm new at GMing a PBP, so have patience with me or a stray sniper bullet will explode your head. Second, I don't really have an order in which you all should go, if you think we need that then we can go by the order I just posted, actually yes lets do that. So until we hit combat the order of play is Patch, Ark, Starhiker, then Trinity. Alright the only other question I have as a GM for a PBP is dice rolls. So KV any suggestions on how I handle that? Do I leave it up to you guys and hope you aren't lying, or do I do all the dice rolls with my nifty program?! So other then that be ready to start tonight. Goodluck you all, and I hope more importantly eveybody has fun.