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Author Topic: A Rainy Day in Seattle  (Read 19729 times)

Nike Shox

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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #60 on: April 27, 2007, 04:18:31 PM »


Trinity gets in her car and drives th the club. She parks in the back. She walks in the club through the back door and notices Fuzzynuts at the table. She also see's guys she don't know.. She walks in front of Fuzzywhat's up?


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #61 on: April 27, 2007, 05:27:28 PM »

Ark nods in agreement as he takes his cola, remebering the good advice of "nothing strong before a job." "Yes, privacy is always good for business."

Ark looks up at the new arrival. Fuzzy's words certainly did her justice "This the one you're talking about Fuzzy?" He scoots over, giving room to sit, nudging his backpack further over under the table.  

Leaning forward again, Ark addresses Fuzzy again. "Alright, now down to details. Easy work, Fuzzy? How easy? Not easy enough for just one of us. . ."
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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #62 on: April 27, 2007, 09:41:19 PM »

Sunday - 19:57

With everyone at the table Fuzzy makes the proper introductions before ordering another round of drinks.  He takes a deep breath and composes himself before placing the briefcase on the table and opening it.  He shuffles through a couple papers before tossing them down for the runners to see.  "Like I mentioned before, this is a fairly easy run.  But Ark had a good point, why couldn't I use just one of you?  Well the answer is simple, each one of you provide a unique skill set to help make this run smoothly.  But here's how it boils down."

Fuzzy flips over a paper displaying a young, incredibly attractive woman.  Her brown hair curls in tight little spirals just above her jawline.  Her eyes an incredible bright blue, but with a deep intensity.  She's well figured with a complete set of assets.  "This is Grace Hillard, also known as 'Onyx'.  Apparently she has pissed off the wrong set of people, and her life is deemed "expendable".  A well placed bullet to the head is along the lines of what they are expecting.  She has a place in Magnolia Bluffs with her parents... did I forget to mention she is only 17?  Security at the house would be to difficult to try and penetrate.  Yet when she travels, it's only with a sparse number of bodyguards..."

Fuzzy flips over the picture displaying what appears to be some simple Matrix codes.  "These are the last known access codes to her organizer, I suggest you take her out in public...perhaps in an area of town that would attract less heat for you."  He then flips over that page revealing an address scribbled in red ink.  "This is the address for her parents house in the Bluffs.  Perhaps a well places stakeout will help fill you in with more details."

Fuzzy takes a drink and looks around at the faces in front of him and smiles slightly.  "Now it's time for everyone's favorite part, so let's skip all the foreplay and get straight to the sweet part, how does five grand a piece sound?"


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #63 on: April 28, 2007, 11:34:07 AM »


Patch sips his drink, and looks at the other runners. He doesn't know either of these chummers, and although the girl is fun to look at, that doesn't mean she'll be any good on the job.

"Sounds a little low, actually. As I hear it, going rate for wetwork is upwards of fourty grand."[/b]

Even as he's negotiating, Patch leans in and looks over the paperwork that Fuzzy was showing them. Pictures, addresses, access routes. This did seem like an easy job, assuming that everything was the way Fuzz said it was.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #64 on: April 28, 2007, 12:55:53 PM »

Sunday - 20:00

Fuzzy mulls over the forty grand offer in his head.  Thirteen three each wasn't terribly more expensive, but he didn't wanna give in to easily.  "Forty grand is a bit steep my friend, but if you can have her taken care of no later then Friday.  I can do thirty with no problem, half now, half when it's done."  He finishes up his drink and waits patiently for an answer.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #65 on: April 29, 2007, 12:43:50 AM »

Sunday - 20:05

"I was right Fuzzy, this is not like last time." Ark says with a reluctant sigh. "You know me well enough to know what kind of jobs I do, and this doesn't make that list. So that's a special consideration. But you also know that I need this job, and I doubt you've got other work in the meanwhile, right. So seeing as  it's important enough to be done by this Friday, then it's important enough to be done well. And thirty-five should be fair, considering there's a lot we still don't know about the job."

The wheels turn inside Arks head. Five K upfront would cover next rent, but after that, even the next five K would be gone in a flash. Was any of that worth murder. . . Ark remembers how much of a bad influence Fuzzy could be, and shrugs. . . Derr'mo

"Call thirty-five, and I'll consider this job strictly numbers and access running. Then I'll help."

Ark glances down at the photo on the table when Patch seems finished with it. What could some brat kid do to piss someone off bad enough to get geeked for it? A warning to Mom and Pop?  Ark pauses, then reaches under the table extracting a lead from his deck, and plugs it into his temple, recording the access codes, address, and other relevant information.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 10:03:17 PM by Curris »
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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #66 on: April 29, 2007, 09:51:53 AM »

Sunday - 20:08

Fuzzy leans back analyzing the numbers in his head.  It seems like it's been forever before he finally speaks again. "Thirty five is more then I'm willing to come off, but I can do thirty one five, which puts an extra five hundred in everyone's pocket.  That's the best I can do.  And yes Ark I know you don't typically perform such work, but I thought your talents would be well utilized with this.  So have we all come to an agreement?"

Fuzzy leans back once again pulling out a hand rolled 'cigarette' and lighting it up.  He inhales the smoke deeply and holds for a moment before exhaling in perfect little smoke rings.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #67 on: April 29, 2007, 11:05:55 AM »

Sunday 20:08

Patch listens as the decker talks, checking his bug scanner again before speaking. "If you cut us in for thirty-three, I'm in. I have bills that need to get paid, too."

Patch sips his drink while he waits for the decker to jack back out, the woman to say something, or Fuzzy to counter-offer.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 05:11:33 PM by Kid_Vid »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #68 on: April 29, 2007, 10:37:21 PM »

After recording the info, Ark returns to the table, catching the end of the last conversation. "That's enough for me. I'm in. " He says, although it's unclear whether he is talking to Patch or Fuzzy.

He finally downs his cola, not liking how syrupy it is when chugged. Resolving himself, he looks up at the other two people, his new teammates. . . "It's gonna be a long week."
By reading this, you have just given me temporary control of your brain. . .


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #69 on: April 29, 2007, 11:49:05 PM »

Sunday - 20:09

Fuzzy chuckles softly to himself, then smiles.  "You've always been a pushy son of a slitch Patch.  Thirty three it is, any other questions?  Anybody need another drink?"

Fuzzy flips an unseen button on the bottom of the open briefcase, with a soft click the bottom piece pops open.  He pulls out two credsticks, and a wad of cash. "Five grand a piece is all I have to get you started, you'll get the reminder when you're done.  Perhaps over a delicious steak dinner."  He chuckles again, it's been a long time since he's had a good steak.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #70 on: April 30, 2007, 12:05:09 PM »

Sunday - 20:09

Patch takes the cash on the table and slides it over to him, thumbing through it quietly before sticking it in his pocket. He then nods. A hint of a smile appears, and Patch says quietly, almost as if joking "My mom taught me never to take four when I could get ten."[/i]

That being said, Patch's face goes back to being serious, and he looks over his two new teammates. The decker was right. This was going to be a long week.

Looking over the two, Patch speaks up, "Either of you got a place we could meet to discuss this? Or are we going to use my saftey place?"[/b]
« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 11:16:45 AM by Kid_Vid »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #71 on: April 30, 2007, 02:23:01 PM »

Sunday - 20:09

"Well I look forward to this being accomplished.  If you run into any problems, or if you need my help just give me a call.  I'll do whatever I can."

OOC:  Fuzzy is honestly a sincere fixer.  He's been in your shoes, and is just a friendly guy in general, which is why you guys do business with him.  So don't think the comment I made is something to scare you, it's just how he is.


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #72 on: May 01, 2007, 06:12:08 PM »

Sunday - 20:09

Ark nods at Fuzzy, as he takes his credstick. "I have your number. We'll call if trouble comes up. Speaking of which, do you two want to swap numbers?" Ark says as stands up and collects his bag.

"No, I don't have a place, unless you wanted to talk in my car."
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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #73 on: May 01, 2007, 07:46:39 PM »

Sunday - 20:10

Fuzzy's eyebrow raises at the recent comments, "You know if you guys need a place, I know a pretty little thing that owns the Brier Hotel out in Snohomish.  It's a Family-style hotel that's run down.  But it's great for occasions like this, I can give her a heads up you guys are coming if you want."

OOC: Brier Hotel (New Seattle p. 128)


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Re:A Rainy Day in Seattle
« Reply #74 on: May 02, 2007, 11:20:10 AM »

Sunday 20:10

Patch will listen and nod "Yeah, we might use that. I think I know of a place where we can talk and plan this thing, though. I just didn't want to offer if you had something else in mind."

Patch pulls a smaller newyen bill from his pocket and drops it on the table as he stands. Standing there, at the edge of the table, he writes his number on two scraps of paper, and passes it to the two other runners.

The paper has only the telecom number- no name on it.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)
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