Sunday - 20:05
"I was right Fuzzy, this is not like last time." Ark says with a reluctant sigh. "You know me well enough to know what kind of jobs I do, and this doesn't make that list. So that's a special consideration. But you also know that I need this job, and I doubt you've got other work in the meanwhile, right. So seeing as it's important enough to be done by this Friday, then it's important enough to be done well. And thirty-five should be fair, considering there's a lot we still don't know about the job."
The wheels turn inside Arks head. Five K upfront would cover next rent, but after that, even the next five K would be gone in a flash. Was any of that worth murder. . . Ark remembers how much of a bad influence Fuzzy could be, and shrugs. . . Derr'mo
"Call thirty-five, and I'll consider this job strictly numbers and access running. Then I'll help."
Ark glances down at the photo on the table when Patch seems finished with it. What could some brat kid do to piss someone off bad enough to get geeked for it? A warning to Mom and Pop? Ark pauses, then reaches under the table extracting a lead from his deck, and plugs it into his temple, recording the access codes, address, and other relevant information.