Well, you could run over to IMDB and look it up, but I don't have anything better to do with my time, so I'll tell you about it.
Val Kilmer plays a guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time- he and his wife are on vacation, and they're by the Salton Sea (out in the desert in California) and they stop at this greasy little motel, and while they're getting a room, two guys show up and start shooting everyone. They're mob enforcers or whatever, and they kill everyone- including Kilmer's wife, since Kilmer was in the bathroom, and saw the whole thing. When the cops show up, it turns out that the two gunmen are dirty Feds (or dirty cops- I don't remember off the top of my head) and they cover the whole thing up.
Kilmer goes undercover as a junkie, pretending to be a loser on meth, and makes friends with all the people he needs to so as to appear a worthless tweaker. Once a year, he gets his old stuff out of the closet, and puts them on so he can remember that he's not really this guy, but the rest of the time, he's trying to set up something to get these dirty fraggers killed.
It's an awesome movie, and it has one of the most intruiging visuals that I've ever seen- a guy lying on the floor of a burning building, playing a trumpet.
Awesome. But the shadowrun part comes from Bob Hope. Trust me, you'll flinch at least once when you see it, because it does not go well.