Um.... yeah.
Anyway, about Captian America, I'm going to try to get this issue, but I'm pretty sure I know what's going to happen. First of all, Marvel will NEVER kill off Captain America. That's like DC killing off Batman. What's going to happen is that the Punisher is going fake Cap's death. In issue 7 of Civil War, the Punisher picked up Cap's tossed-away mask as Cap was being carted off to jail. In recent years, people have made a big deal about Captian America being out of touch with the current American mindset. So when the Punisher fakes the death, Steve Rogers will take the oppertunity to "walk the roads", getting back in touch with the country he loves so much. After all, you can't be an effective force of change if you have no idea how the country NEEDS to be changed.
Look for Captain America to pop back up in a few years.