I can design you a website with HTML or Photochop, depending on how utilitarian or fancy you want it to be.
There's actually one problem with taking donations like that: It's not technically legal. The IRS can hit you on tax evasion, but the really easy way around it is to form a non-profit organization. Non-Profits only need to devote 30% to a cause to be considered legit, so that means 70% of your revenue goes to 'administration,' namely your well lined pockets.
There have been a lot of internet scams, but the best one is to load your page up with Ads, and then ask for donations. If you have a webcomic that's seldom updated but you promise to update soon, people will check all the time, increasing your ad revenues.
What you need is a draw to get people to your page. One guy I know got his fifteen minutes of fame by buying a cute little bunny rabbit and threatening to cook and eat him unless he got the money he wanted. Once he got that amount of money, he actually increased the amount to spare the bunny so that people would keep donating. He kept a journal of the bunny's activities, gave him a cute name, detailed his diet and used some serious sociopathy to make it seem like it was YOUR fault that he was holding the rabbit hostage.
More often, girls will put up a webcam, and ask for donations to take clothes off. That seems to work better, although I have no idea how they attract clients.
For you... I have no idea. Start a fake tshirt company, and ask for donations to help you 'buy equipment' or something. If you want, I can design a bunch of tshirts for you to sell, or if you really wanted, we could actually do it (the Pub needs more merchandising anyway).
Those are my thoughts. Let me know what you think.