Kid_Vid (Keith to his chummers) slides through the door and shakes off his trenchcoat, taking a moment to clean his old-fashioned glasses with his shirt before moving toward the bar proper. With a shake of his head, he flings dirty Seattle rainwater in every direction, revealing a silver datajack on one side of his head.
"Hey chummers. Whaddup." he says as he slides into one of the stools at the end of the bar. It's been a few years, and Kid's lanky boyhood frame has toughened into one of an actual runner, although he was only recently brought back into the life, leaving behind the lucrative life of a substitute teacher.
With a glance at the Hearth Spirit bartender, Kid nods and orders a coke. He's been old enough to drink for a few months now, but these chummers would never let him live it down if he started now.