Yeah, probably so...

Oh, and chummers, The Last Hero is not his latest book. It is the large "storybook" format illustrated novel he did a year or so ago. It's the dimensions of a children's book, but thicker. THe first half of it is pretty crappy, since he is trying to combined all of his characters into the story: wizards, the watch, Rincewind, the witches, etc. So it is kind of rough and choppy. But once the storyline takes off, it gets really good. The very basic premise (trying not to give too much away) is that the Silver Hoard has decided to leave Hung Hung and have one last adventure, one they don't intend to return from. They intend to "take fire back to the gods." I highly recommend this one, if for no other reason than the last chapter with the Valkyries.
Gabriel (book critic)