hey all! I thought I'd turned on e-mail alerts, but I didn't seem to get any... oh well, added the pub to my home pages, so I'll keep abreast of what's going on.
yeah, 4th ed D&D does lack something compared to 3rd, in the lethality department. But that was never what I looked to D&D to do for me (all SR's are much more about that). I look at it as the candle flame I've attracted 2 new friends of mine to RP-ing with. At the end of the day, 4th ed D&D will bring all pencil and paper RPG's closer to the mainstream, and I think that's a good thing.
Been having all sorts of scheduling difficulties with my local buddies lately though, which is more than a little irritating, considering my own "fun-employment" and loads of free time.
I'm heading back to SR3 mainly from a cost standpoint, but there is a certain elegance to the system that I missed when I "upgraded" to SR4. I also own both the SR2 Renraku sourcebook, and the SR3 canned campaign
Brainscan. Both deal with Deus, and it will be interesting to play through them, if I can get a group that far, knowing how the canon storyline turned out. I'll try to be checking in daily from now on, I need something to keep me occupied