This show is weird, but I like it.
The show is about a high school glee club (A Capella singing group), that are the lowest of the losers at the entire school. The fat girl, the 17 year old with a stutter, the kid in the wheelchair, the flamboyantly gay kid- all the misfits.
Anyway, the spanish teacher (who was in Glee when he was in high school) takes over, and tries to make it cool again.
Sue, the cheerleading coach, does everything in her power to undermine him and get the Glee kids to fail. I'm not really sure why she does this, but it is amusing.
It's written at high school level, but a lot of the issues are at a much higher than high school level. The singing all the time (almost all of the music on the show is the kids singing- even the instrumental only stuff is them singing the pitches) is a little weird to get used to, but it's fun.
Anyway, my wife likes it, so we watch it together.