I liked the show, and I was sad when it was canceled, but I have to admit, the books are a thousand times better than the show.
Heh. The RPG (Which I've been reading up on) actually makes a dig at the show, and suggests that if you need a feature that your real-life town doesn't have, you can 'Vancouver' it, and just make shit up. The RPG book has a ton of writing in the margins, done by 'Harry' approving details for the RPG that 'Billy' (the werewolf) wrote up.
It's a fun system (a writer's system, which was surprising to me), and I'm looking forward to attempting to run it this weekend. Fingers crossed.
The new book is out (It's called Changes), and it's a good read. It ends with a cliffhanger, and I'm excited to see how things turn out.
I've also heard that Butcher writes the Dresden books to finance his favorite- they're called the Codex Alera (spelling I'm not sure on?), and I have a buddy who read them, who loves them. So they come highly recommended (by a friend of a friend).
I'll let you know what I think once I read through them, but until then, I'm looking forward to my bit of wizard pyromancy.
