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Author Topic: Welcome to Denver (OOC)  (Read 72461 times)


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #45 on: November 02, 2011, 07:11:02 AM »

Hmmm.... you know, I think I like that concept best as well.
It would be interesting to see the interaction between a pixy (a potential 'pest' some could say) and a paranormal exterminator.
I'm not really interested in running him as a humanis policub member. I was even considering making him a pointy-eared bastard... I'll look at the points after I've got his gear sorted out.
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #46 on: November 02, 2011, 05:22:37 PM »

I've got a question on your flaws; how do the 'amnesia' and 'in debt' flaws work together?
Pacifist and sucking at intimidation I've got.

But if you don't know you owe any money how are your paychecks going to get sucked up immediately?
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #47 on: November 02, 2011, 10:04:59 PM »

I was sort of imagining debt colectors turning up going why havn't you paid us. "Um eek! who are you?" "don't play coy bitch where's our money!"


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #48 on: November 02, 2011, 10:11:28 PM »

I see what you're saying, I've got a couple of changes to make to my charecter anyway.


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2011, 10:47:51 PM »

Your wages could just get garnished (IF you're legal)- and anytime you're on-grid (anywhere), you have a bunch of wireless shutdown orders until you pay X amount to Loan Shark A, X amount to company B, and have Loanshark C show up with a baseball bat to 'convince' you to pay back principal plus juice.

I'll go over characters with a fine-tooth comb (or have a friend of mine do it) before we start, but it's okay to start with flavor text in 'back to the shack'- it's 2am, why are you going to stuffer shack, and what are you hungry for?

Ruski, is Sly from Denver originally? If so, what sector? If not, where is he living (and why)?

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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #50 on: November 03, 2011, 05:59:54 AM »

no. Sly is a Seattle native; but a legal Sinner there.
his main office got raided, but he was out on a call in NAN when it happened. so; he got rid of the weveryne or whatever, and the local chief was like: you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. he had some happy customers in Denver, so he set up a little one-man operation there. he has been working on that, but even sleeping in a van he hasn't been making ends meet...

as to where exactly in Denver, I don't have a specific thought up for one political affiliation over another. I am imagining that he would be set up on the UCAS side if he had a choice, as that's where his SIN would be most useful, but really; living out of a van, he could be anywhere.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 11:20:23 AM by Ruski »
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2011, 07:26:33 PM »

Ingo, you had a character concept, too, didn't you? Can you re-post it: in it's own thread, for ease of reference; or here, if you just want to discuss merits and flaws of the character as a whole?

Someone said something about a shaman character for Mercy. Is our favorite dictionary-eating troll still around?

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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #52 on: November 07, 2011, 11:07:14 AM »

I'm still working on the character (sorry for being so busy!).  Right now I'm building him up as a hacker with a bit of rigger thrown in for fun.  Here's what I got so far:

The concept I'm working on is that he's a SINner, and works as a consultant for hire through temp agencies and such.   He's a former corporate network security guy who got disillusioned/bored with corporate bureaucracy so works temp jobs and contracts to make ends meet.  IT consultant if you will ;)

He got interested in remote controlling and rigging so he started learning about things in that field.  He lives in a van/RV with a satellite uplink so he is mobile.  I've been looking at the vehicle customization rules in Arsenal, and I think that might be one of his money sinks as well.

I'm still working on fleshing out his background story.

For the scope of the game, I would think that perhaps corp work is a bit hard to come across and he's willing to branch out for different kinds of work.  He can link up with the rest of the group through his contacts.

Input is welcome!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2011, 01:25:27 PM by Ingo Monk »

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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #53 on: November 07, 2011, 01:23:53 PM »

We can start a shadowrun RV club. Although living in a van down by the river is more fun if you bring a lot of friends and have a party every now and again... LOL
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #54 on: November 08, 2011, 03:23:43 PM »

So I'm pretty much done.  I messaged KV last night with a link to the character sheet and some elaboration on why I picked what I did.  Just waiting for his approval before I post the info up on my character page. 

I tend to play characters with lots of negative qualities, I feel it makes them more real.  I think with this character I went with 50 BP or so of negative qualities hehehe ;)

I was going to get the RV from Arsenal, but instead went with the Ares Roadmaster.  It seemed bigger than a Bulldog, but not as big as the RV.  He's an IT consultant so he drives this thing to wherever he needs to go, and an RV would be too annoying to him to maneuver through cramped urban sprawls, even if it was rigged.


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2011, 04:19:35 PM »

So; write up the hello-world post for 'back to the shack'. Mine is in there already.
I imagine that you are familiar with 'back to the shack', but for those of you following along at home who are new to the show; this is the premise.

Answer these questions in story-form:
What would your PC be doing on 2am?
What if they were starving, and there was no food in the house(/van/roofgarden/etc)? (that's a rhetorical question, for the sake of the adventure hook, you are starving, and there is no food close by.)
Seeing as how you are so hungry, and stuffer-shack is the only thing open at 2am, how would you get from where you were at 2am, to the closest stuffer-shack? and (this may become important) what would you bring to your 2am munchy-shopping-spree? 2 metric tons of personal armor, armed with your flame thrower and 200 grenades, and you would get your docwagon HTR team to air-lift you in?
or: Would you be walking the two blocks in the cold morning air wearing nothing but a running suit and a pocket full of loose change?

?or perhaps something in the middle?

Anyways, this is a peek into your character's life.  Are they trying not to wake up the XXX sim-star they took home the night before when they get up? What are they really craving more than any other junk food?

Then have them 'go'; and the GM will describe the shack' when we get there, in order of who drove fastest.
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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #56 on: November 12, 2011, 07:42:55 PM »

I'm sorry guys, I'm quite a patient person but this is a little too much. I'll drop out now, better than forgetting to check again and going awol.
Once again sorry. Hope you have fun/

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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #57 on: November 12, 2011, 10:47:43 PM »

Sorry to hear that Katrex, I hope you'll check in on the Pub again in the future!  ;D

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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #58 on: November 13, 2011, 07:25:27 AM »

just downloaded the core book since I've been wondering about this proposal for a while - did I forget that much or did they change that much?  I was skimming it and I'm feeling like an utter noob with all the changes, I got me some reading to do...
As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to hell.


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Re: Welcome to Denver (OOC)
« Reply #59 on: November 13, 2011, 07:36:26 AM »

Both Kid & I are going to be 'noob' level as well.
I've run a half dozen games in 4th, and I think Kid's maybe done that many again; but for both of us, it's been about a year and a half.
so: yea. a year of DMZ 1st edition rules, 4-5 years of playing 2nd ed, then the majority of my time spent in 3rd edition... I don't remember squat.
That's the major reason for 'back to the shack'. that way you get to do a couple of social die rolls, a few fun 'break' the fourth wall rolls, and a little bit of combat.  If your guy is a gun bunny, and you forgot to beef up you're 'dodge' skill, this is the place you find out about needing it, and then fix it before the 'real' game begins.
we'll go slow; and be learning (re-learning?) the system right allong with ya'll.
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