So; write up the hello-world post for 'back to the shack'. Mine is in there already.
I imagine that you are familiar with 'back to the shack', but for those of you following along at home who are new to the show; this is the premise.
Answer these questions in story-form:
What would your PC be doing on 2am?
What if they were starving, and there was no food in the house(/van/roofgarden/etc)? (that's a rhetorical question, for the sake of the adventure hook, you are starving, and there is no food close by.)
Seeing as how you are so hungry, and stuffer-shack is the only thing open at 2am, how would you get from where you were at 2am, to the closest stuffer-shack? and (this may become important) what would you bring to your 2am munchy-shopping-spree? 2 metric tons of personal armor, armed with your flame thrower and 200 grenades, and you would get your docwagon HTR team to air-lift you in?
or: Would you be walking the two blocks in the cold morning air wearing nothing but a running suit and a pocket full of loose change?
?or perhaps something in the middle?
Anyways, this is a peek into your character's life. Are they trying not to wake up the XXX sim-star they took home the night before when they get up? What are they really craving more than any other junk food?
Then have them 'go'; and the GM will describe the shack' when we get there, in order of who drove fastest.