I chose option bacon! i.e. it doesn't matter to me. As a house rule it doesn't seem to be too overpowered, since most people only have 1 or 2 Edge.
• You may declare the use of Edge after you have rolled for one test. In this case,
you may roll a number of extra dice equal to your full Edge attribute and add
their hits to the test’s total. The Rule of Six (p. 62), however, applies only to the
additional Edge dice rolled, not the original dice pool.
• You may re-roll all of the dice on a single test that did not score a hit.
These are the 2 lines in question. It looks like the lines are blurred together with the way we were running. This is actually the way I had understood it as well, which is weird because the original SR4 had exactly the same rules (no changes between editions) so I don't know where this thought came from. Unless its from SR3 like Ruski said.
So to clarify, the first item I listed states that you can use Edge after a roll to gain another chance at additional hits. If your pool is 4 and your Edge is 2, you will roll 2 additional dice with the rule of 6. In this case, if you rolled 2 hits (6, 5, 2, 2) for your pool, then rolled Edge dice (6, 5), you would have the 2 hits from the first test, then 2 more from the Edge test, and get to reroll the 6 from the Edge test but not the 6 from the pool of 4 dice. Rule of 6 only applies to Edge dice, and the original pool was not affected by Edge when it was rolled.
The second line is quite literal, if you get no hits at all you can declare Edge to reroll the entire pool. Rule of 6 would apply to the reroll, since at that point the entire pool is affected by Edge. However you can only use Edge once per test, so if your test came up with no hits but you also glitched, you'll have to decide whether to use Edge to reroll the test and live with the glitch, or use Edge to negate the glitch. For example, if your pool was 4 and you failed the roll and also got a glitch (1, 1, 1, 4), 2 things have happened on the same roll (failure and glitch). You can do 3 things: 1) do nothing and accept the outcome, 2) declare edge to negate the glitch and accept the failed roll, or 3) declare edge to reroll the pool of 4 dice and accept the glitch along with whatever outcome of the reroll.