That's for sure Captain, the game was glitching so bad at the end, I actually just skipped some of the side quests so I could get to the close which I finally did. I think I'll uninstall the thing and do a general cleanup, I'm guessing the multiple saves got a little top heavy for a glitch prone game/
So Dead Money, okay concept, not real fun in execution. You are stripped of all your hard won gear and basically have to start at square one, resupply and all while wearing a bomb collar that could kill you at any time. So that kinda sucked. The worst part was the bg music, such as it was, and the never changing atmosphere - no night, no day, just monochrome... with toxic pockets of mist. And the ghost people carry spears, so not great goodies wise. The funny thing is, the gold you can take at the end, there is no real need. Gold is no big deal in the wasteland, even with all 32 bars, you can get just as rich by beating the casino and leaving with all the prewar money from there and found in the casino environs that weighs nothing in inventory and you can trade for up to 10 caps each back in the Mojave. I was actually kinda glad to be done with that add on. wrapped the whole game yesterday - been busy doing rl and all.
I would love to see Fallout 3 with the ending that makes sense, rather than just throw a 19 year old kid into the suicide machine, that has a real bad taste. And I did read they were doing something called New Vegas Project Mojave or some such that is supposed to take place about a decade after New Vegas. Don't know any details except that it will be quite a while.