Well, I have to say that the New Vegas team were better at story and character. For instance, take the companions, good or bad they were memorable. Raul was so frickin' irritating to me, his personality was like a passive aggressive cheese grater, but he was a real character, fully formed, likewise Arcade was such a toe in the sand introvert who was nevertheless a well armed sidekick that you wanted to run his quest, do him that favor. And if you pissed these guys off for any reason, they let you know about it. I love that. In Fallout 3, Dogmeat, though a nice throwback, is a simple recycle, and the one companion I've managed to recruit is just a cardboard cutout with a combat shotgun. Nice to have the extra fire power, but if he gets blown up, oh well. He offers no quest, no pithy comments, no real backstory, and does that 'hominahomina' grumble under his breath rather than talk. The fact that I can't recruit certain companions because of karma also annoys. Granted I haven't finished 3, but I have to give the nod to New Vegas just on points for right now.