Okay, gone back to finish Skyrim, if that's even possible in the game with no end. I did go back to the thief quest, and again, would definitely offered a few more dialog choices than they do, hate feeling herded even in a gaming scenario, but must say the dwarven ruin you can see only if you do the quest was pretty cool. Gotta give Bathesda props for their art department because the scenery is absolutely fabulous. The coders, however should be slapped about for the buggy quests, some of which can be bad enough so you are never going to be able to finish said quest if the bug bites. I had to ditch my original fighter type and restart because of crashed quests.
Once I have the last of the magic words, I'll go for the end game, and since now my tank character is 100% with swords, I think she's gonna do okay in a fight.