Real world stuff takes a surprising amount of time.
Also discovered "the news" is not just some stuff that happens to other people.
My real-life gig got me assigned to a "High Threat Response Tram", I though it was a good idea. They offered me a gernade launcher.
Then: Tijuana gets torn to pieces by 15,000 refugees, and that's really saying something considering the status before the refugees arrived was pretty much on par with "dumpster fire"... And it has seriously deteriorated after that point.
Then our side sends in the national guard, because terrorized mobs and pissed off 17 year olds with M16's mix so well together... And then hippy groups go to protest the national guard stopping the refugees from rushing the border... And nationalist go to fight the hippys... And then they want me to go in, "to keep the peace". Stupid gernade launcher. It looked so pretty in the picture. ...
Anyways: if my life could be called one thing, no one will quantify it as dull. Wish me luck in the DMZ.