Hoi chummers. This is where I'd normally take the time to introduce myself and all the pleasantries that follow but instead as I read through several posts I realized not much around here has changed. I've been coming to this board for quite a long time. Long enough to know the truth about Twinkies, to remember when Ingo moderated the entire pub, and generally know most everyones background. That combined with lack of sleep and a heathly dose of medication brought me to the conclusion that this is home. You've known me by a couple different names and a few I was more quiet about. Tiger, BornKrazi and an even older one even I can't remember. So I just wanted to be sappy for a moment and say I missed you guys, girls, and dragon. I hope all has been well for everyone and continues to go well. I'll be around more frequently and am looking forward to running the shadows.
Special shout out to Mercy, Zone, Ingo, Root, Kid Vid (thanks again for the help years ago), Gabe, Jester, Neo, Apoc, Curris, and anyone else I may have forgotten!