Heyya people!
SO, im talking with some friends and they are hoping to get some new blood for some forum games they are running..
The games are Comic based, mainly in DC and Marvel universes..
First off we have Titans. Based on the Teen Titans its our newest game and sort of a learning ground for new players and us as we work on establishing our own rules. Characters can either be Named (Such as characters normally excisting in said universe such are StarFire and BeastBoy) Custom, (characters built from scratch for your own purpose and needs), and Adapted (Characters from other settings or groups reworked to fit what you want to play, such as WonderBoy (adapted from Diana troy) HourBoy (adapted from HourMan 1,000,000) and Azrael (adapted from.. .. Well, Azrael) Characters are to be teenaged, (or alien equivlent of) and limited to a single character for now
Website is
http://titans.255games.com/index.phpYou can find me as Matthew Tyler (Aka, Hourboy)
Next (and kinda on haitus) is The Dream.
Takes place in the marvel universe where charles Xavier and Magneto dissappeared before the two really started coming to blows. The school was taken over by Emma Frost (Winters) to take over Xaviers place in helping teach young mutants.
Characters are custom and Established characters, i play 4 custom characters and 1 established character. Its largely freeform as well, we have introduced a Stat system and such to kinda help with some God Modders we had, but they are more like a measurement for the most part..
Website is
http://dream.255games.com/index.phpMy Handle is AsharOfAsh
Final is New Golden Age.
Takes place in a modern "Golden age" setting. Heros are stock Golden age heros more or less, no customs or adapts. Support characters (NPC played by players) Can be custom, adopted, or adapted. And villians (yes, we get to play bad guys) are Adopt, Adapt, and customs from any age.
We are running it by letting players play villians and make story lines for other characters, mainly their Designated Hero for their villian, and the occasional cross over. Would suggest checking out the Titans board first to get the hang of things before giving this one a try as it is alot more complex.
Website is:
http://goldenage.255games.com/index.phpCan find me as TheKindlyOnes