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Author Topic: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf  (Read 30299 times)

Ingo Monk

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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2012, 04:00:30 PM »

Eric makes notes of the interesting folk in the area and decides to hold off on hacking the public node since he actually needs to enter the place for the meet.  He puts his primary commlink in hidden mode with the secondary loaded with the "McHugh's SIN" in passive.  As he approaches the entrance to McHugh's he switches the secondary to active to let the guards see the SIN.  After he enters he reels a little bit by the ARO bombardment, though he does do a double take after noticing the McHugh's 'mascot.'  After a slight pause he finds "Springbok" seated with some interesting fellows and approaches. 

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2012, 06:32:30 PM »

Sylvester sits with his back to the door. A tactical no-no, but the seat allows him to see their ‘Mr. Johnson’ and the other occupants of the table. Really, if a threat is going to present its self, he imagines that it’s more likely to be from one of the people he’s meeting, rather than from some outside force.

He is satisfied that the perimeter has been secured, and he’s got a surprise escape route memorized well enough that he could run it even blinded by Neurostun. Sylvester is still idly fiddling with the manager’s key-fob, spinning it lazily around the pinky finger on his left hand. He kept it as much to keep the manager from setting off the nerve-gas, as to secure his own exit out the roof.  If all goes well, he can hand it back with a smile and a thank-you, the manager none the worse (and slightly more rat-protected) for his precautions.

To those looking on, Sylvester is a well-polished, if tired looking worker-bee. His uniform is clean, and the tears and holes have been patched professionally and cleanly.  His dry-cleaner is probably well-paid and oft-visited. The dark circles under his eyes are counterbalanced by an easy smile framed by a well-kept ‘devil’s goatee’.  His uniform, a dark red ‘urban explorer’ ensemble has the company patches on the shoulders and back, as well as his name stenciled ‘sly’ over the right breast pocket. The uniform is utilitarian, sporting more pockets and “D” hooks for equipment and gear than is necessary for most professions.
As far as equipment, He is loaded for bear. The laser rifle, a rarity even in this day and age, is slung over his right shoulder running the length of his back, from shoulder blade to utility belt.  It is sheathed in a custom molded holster fitted to his uniform, and in a matching red color. To those in the know, the matching red work gloves casually clipped on a D-ring at his left hip reveal the metallic conductive pads and battery packs native to the ‘shock-glove’ line of defensive armaments.  A sword sheath is also attached to the belt, situated for cross-draw from his left hip. Again: the leather with its external warnings alerting passersby and casual users to the dangers within: is naturally dyed to a matching red. Sylvester’s helmet, a ‘pith’ styled number, popularized by the old ‘nam videos of yesteryear, has a set of goggles situated on top, and a gas-mask that dangles precariously to one side. It appears that the ventilation kit is halfway between being completely strapped in, and completely taken off.

A single set of empty rat-traps, their McHughes logo emblazen on the tops are clipped to yet another D-Ring. This, combined with a returned nod to Roger the security guard walking by their table as Sylvester drinks his coffee, indicates that Sly has found acceptance and comfort in this environment; despite his ‘extra’ equipment setting him apart from the usual clientele. 

Sylvester removes his helmet, setting it in his lap and runs his fingers through his hair, pushing it back into its would-be slicked-back style. Or at least it is as close as someone can manage to ‘style’ after wearing a helmet.   

”So, Mr. J, I assume we are waiting for a few others to arrive? Before we get started I’m curious as to how you got my number, I don’t mind the work, I just want to know if I owe anyone a referral bonus?”

Sylvester will make small talk with his fellow fortune-hunters, or anyone else that wanders close and seems to take an interest in him. He will readily hand out business cards to anyone who seems interested in his work, never one to shy away from legitimate enterprise to supplement the less-steady shadow-y income sources.
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2012, 08:45:35 PM »

Sitting in the seat with his fudge sundae looking at the girl sitting across from him.  His hand drifting but dropping as the gentlemen who were approaching didn't make any sudden moves.  Wearing a nice black leather great coat underneath which is a biker suit that is dark green and black, and biker boots to complete the ensemble.  Left wrist has a nice silver bracelet and two silver rings one on each hand.  A full biker's helmet hanging off his left side dark green with a black stripe that matches his suit.

"No, chica I am not crazy but thanks for asking.  I will admit I don't know how they can call this ice cream either but the times change, the composition changes, but the classics are still the classics."  Eating another spoonful of my fudge sundae. "So why don't you tell us your problem and your offer that way I can figure out if I blew off my regular gig for some novacoke-head or I have something a bit more lucrative in my future?

Kinsey isn't a patient man, he knows he is not a patient man, his teacher was not a patient man either.  His teacher was actually a very cruel and hostile man to say the least.  Stories were abound about how he would help due massive property damage to an area then walk around passing out his business cards to his surviving victims.  When Doc got irritated or annoyed with Kinsey, he would wake up a few hours later from the 'stunbolt' lesson that Doc taught him.  One of those moments reminds him of this. "Negotiate who the hell do I look like Damien Knight?  Look your magic kid that is all you are there for period.  They don't want you for your looks or your personality.  They want you there because you can sling spells and keep an eye on the astral.  If the price doesn't seem right ask for more if they say no, walk.  If the price seems too good to be true, walk away or in some cases run away and lock yourself in a bolt hole for a few months.  That's it for negotiation 101 kid now get up and try that stunbolt again.  The 'volunteers' are awake again and they seem to be suffering.  Remember concentrate past the pain."


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2012, 08:47:55 PM »

Scarlet drove around the block the the McHughes for a second time.  This time following a city mass transit vehicle.  The ARO coming for the large vehicle was almost annoying enough for her to shut off the incoming AR displays.  What did she care for the latest in mens designer shoes. 

As she passed the front for the second time she looked about shaking her head.  I gave up heading to the clubs for this possible piece of action.  I must really be desperate.  She thought as the brakes on the comet gave a slight screech when it came to a full stop at the farthest spot in the McHughes parking lot.  It was almost a straight shot to the road and the cover, if she needed it, was decent.  Bringing up the balance on her credstick she sighed. 

Frag!  I am that desperate.  Her hands gripped the wheel tighter for a second as she looked over the Fake SIN that had been sent to her.  To say that it was terrible would have been an understatement.  Even then she still had doubts that it would work.  It gave her access to the establishment with practically whatever she wanted to bring in.  "This had better work.  If anyone believes that is my likeness they should get some new eye mods."  She said as she blew out a breath from the corner of her mouth. 

She was ready to go.  Hair thick dark red hair was already pulled back into a ponytail in an effort to keep it out of her face if the drek hit the fan.  Body armor on underneath with her lined coat over that.  She still wore the cargo pants and the tee she was going to wear to the club.  A large NY, the symbol for the Yankees, was embrazened over her chest.   Both held up to the necessary fashion that would be needed to get in.  Not that she ever needed the help of clothes to get her into places. 

Going over her gear she had all she needed.  Contacts and earbuds were in.  Med kit was stuffed into one of the over sized pockets on one pant leg.  Her combat load vest was on.  Attached to that was two ammo pouches.  Checking the link on her sunglasses showed that both pouches were full with extra clips for her weapons.  The machine pistol was at her side while the SMG was on its sling waiting for her to simply stand so the longcoat would help conceal the presence of both.  Patting the other leg she confirmed that the tag eraser was there.  She never went anywhere without it.  The last thing she needed was for a tag to start broadcasting that she had recently eaten at McHughes when she wanted to stay hidden.  She reached for two gloves.  One was an AR glove the other a shock glove.  She pulled one last ting from her smart pack, a respirator that she tucked into the inside pocket of her coat.   

Satisfied she opened the door and stepped out as the fake SIN sent to her was made active on her "public" comlink.  Her main 'link was running in hidden mode with its analyze and stealth programs running. 

"This better be worth it."  She said under her breath as she silently wished that any others who were showing up were somewhat professional.  The last run she did left a lot to be desired in the help she had.  With that in mind she did one last thing before entering the fast food place.  She brought up the Knight Errant Self-Defense activesofts on line.  Nothing like skills in a chip as she felt the program take affect.

Walking in through the door she simply gave the guard a smile.  "Night shift hey omae?"  She said somewhat friendly as she kept broadcasting the Fake SIN.  She kept her heart rate mostly under control as the guard checked her credentials and the hardware she was carrying.  Finally after what seemed like several seconds longer than it should have taken she waved her on through.

Scarlet took a quick survey of the place.  It was a typical McHughes nothing special.  It only took a couple of seconds to spot Springbok.  Looks like I'm not the first to get here.  Well that's what I get for being on the other side of the city.  Seeing a route to the corner where the meet is taking place, one that would allow her to be seen, she made her way over in a non threatening way.  The fact that she did so either made the point that she was careful of knew what she was doing, possibly both.  She saw the young woman and the men that were either seated or standing there.  She took in the others and what equipment she could see as she approached. 

She could hear one of the men talking.  Wearing biker gear and a long coat.  She heard him giver the potential employer his gruff pitch.  And what a pitch it was.  He certainly won't win a miss congeniality contest.  She thought as she came to a stop smiling. 

"Well now I'm sure that Ms. J here is just eager to comply with your straight forward request  Her voice sounded exotic and as smooth as synth silk.  To any looking at her they could see a mixture of Japanese and Caucasian heritage mixed together in her features.  Dark red hair was pulled back tight revealing the tell-tail pointed ears of an Elf. 

Slowly she reached for a chair and slowly pulled it out and angled it so that she had some peripheral sight on the single entrance.  She sat down making sure that the SMG that hung from her right shoulder smoothly and efficiently moved to where it could be taken up at a moments notice.  She looked at the others and gave a single nod. 

"So Ms. J is we are all here I believe you have a job for us."  Again the smooth voice sounded as she spoke.  Though this time it was lower pitched for those gathered.  "Why don't you tell us what you need.  I believe protection was mentioned.



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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2012, 11:25:01 AM »

Eric's drone pings his network, alerting him that another vehicle, this one a Mercury Comet, has circled the building and parked in the lot. The driver... wowsers.

She turns some heads as she enters the place, not just because she's packing and broadcasting a fake corporate SIN like the rest of you, but because she's stunning.

Eric also recieves a ping on his search for Springbok; apparently she posted a thread on the Denver datahaven, asking for help. She got hounded by trolls, of the digital persuasion, but a few helpful people posted links to fixers or people they thought could be trusted. Your name turned up on that list, and so did a lot of others. The timestamp puts the conversation at a little over two hours ago- which means Springbok either forged those documents on the fly, or is good enough to have some blanks standing by. Puts her up a notch, in your estimation.

Rastire pauses as the beauty walks in through the door, and then says. "We're waiting on one more, de Tin Man." She looks around, confirming that he's not hiding among the other patrons, and tips her head, seeing him. "One more," she explains, "wouldn't want to waste your time, now."
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 10:46:23 PM by Kid_Vid »
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2012, 09:45:50 PM »

Having spotted Ms. Johnson I also spot the gunners sitting across the table from her. She makes a face of astonishment/shock, so I concentrate my cyber on listening to their chat. "Are you befok?" Not sure what she's saying, but she's obviously not happy with whatever that fella' said to her. I set the bag of consumables into the helmet I'm still holding in my left hand. My right hand scratches my right thigh. Probably that holster causing it to itch, so I'll "adjust" the holster while I listen to the the discussion at the table. Oh, he's actually here for the same job. He just has the bluntness of a blind knife thrower. Enough recon.

Holy Drek! What the hell is someone like that doin' here? Either she is the bravest woman around traveling alone in this neighborhood or the dumbest. She's here for the job, too? Looks like a 50/50 split on the brave/dumb then.

A black flat top and mirrored protective eye covers turn towards the group. An Ork almost exactly 2 meters tall with a medium build walks over from the order counter. Some "Very Realistic" black hide combat boots, dark grey urban explorer armor that is well buffed except for a circle of some sort of scuffing or burn on the left breast, a helmet for the armor held in his left hand, a tan combat jacket, and the olive green visable shoulder straps of some sort of back mounted pack. He walks over, "Evenin', Ms. Johnson," walks around the table and stands in the corner with his back literally to the wall.


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2012, 06:53:39 PM »

Sylvester smiles and tilts his head slightly to the left side.

“Waiting for a Tin-man huh? Is that him? I’m calling dibs on Scarecrow then, because I don’t want to end up cast as Dorthy. Unlike Steve Buscemi; I don’t think I could pull off a Mr. Pink... Reservoir Dogs? No? No one? Awwww, common guys! You gotta know your classic 2D movie history. Anyways; when we are thinking up code names, I call dibs on Scarecrow for our self appointed OZ theme.”

Sly sighs at the cultural loss and shakes his head to clear the last remnants of a nostalgic childhood.

”So, perhaps if we are all here you can fill us in on a little background information? Normally it’s a no-no in this business, but if we are protecting you; as the principle of the operation it may be helpful to know who’s bullets we will be attempting to avoid, and what direction they’ll be coming from. I’m as much a sucker for a damsel in distress as the next chap, and if the fake ID’s are part of the payment I’m in; but I’m imagining that if you’ve got heat on your tail it’ll be relevant sooner rather than later…”

Sylvester sits back, sipping his coffee and waits to listen to her pitch.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 10:03:31 AM by Ruski »
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2012, 10:24:33 PM »

"If I am pushed I will push back, that is the way I am.
I [...] don't like to be pushed around.
When the chips are down we might have to step into grey areas."
- Damon Hill

Rastire's bottom lip quivers for half a second, before she bites it and steels herself.

Although you're talking over each other, she pauses to answer each of you in turn, trying to be calm and professional. A quick scan of her PAN shows that she's referring to that corporate guide that Captain Chaos put together back in 2064 for advice. Mother fraggin idiot.

Quote from: Sly
"So, Mr. J, I assume we are waiting for a few others to arrive? Before we get started I’m curious as to how you got my number, I don’t mind the work, I just want to know if I owe anyone a referral bonus?"
"I don't know non of ya bale bergies, and I don't intend to. I was passing through, needed a team, and you were indicated to be of the sort that could be trusted to guard the back of a choty goty without staring at me anties."

She looks you over, even looking over her shoulder to take in the 'Tin Man' who arrived last in the group. "Ya showed up, which to me means ya're paraat."

Quote from: Kinsey
"So why don't you tell us your problem and your offer that way I can figure out if I blew off my regular gig for some novacoke-head or I have something a bit more lucrative in my future?"

Her eyes narrow at this. "Before you get all dikbek, just remember that I sent you a SIN with nothing but your word that you'd come. I don't want to be no las, if you got other places to be, go."

"But," she pauses, waiting to make sure you're paying attention, "before you do, know that I have an agent ready to punch your poesgesig card, flag that corporate SIN with a fraud alert, and I'm sure the oom here will be quite happy to chat with you about it."

"Ja-nee? We understand each other, scrompie? You're here, and I'll pay, but you don't give me none of your lip, and I don't let these piels donner an understanding into you."

"Yes, I'm young, nooit. But I'm a shadowrunner, same as you, and I don't expect no mamparra. We chine?"

Quote from: Scarlet
"Why don't you tell us what you need.  I believe protection was mentioned."
"Aweh, I do need protection, of a sort, for a meet with domkop. I got dinges, he got the itch to buy it. It ain't gonna be no chrisco, which is why I told you come armed."

"And after, you be able to jol, and I be off to kwaai Emerald City."

Quote from: Galbraith
"Evenin', Ms. Johnson,"
"Ya can cut that, I ain't no laanie. Springbok will do fine for my name, if you need one."

Quote from: Sly
”So, perhaps if we are all here you can fill us in on a little background information?"
"I got hired for a datasteal, a maafoedi named GoblinCum. He hired me for three jobs, promised payment in full at the end of the third job, with up-front before each leg. I checked him out, he seemed legit."

"But I worked the last job, and moffie never showed up to pay me. That's just skort. Now my travel plans are moer-toe, and I got to make arrangements, nè?"

"I got word from a rooinek out here that someone wanted to buy the data, so nogal! Problem solved. Only I don't know these ouens, and I want to make sure some skelm has my  back while I meet."
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 10:30:33 PM by Kid_Vid »
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2012, 10:15:49 AM »

Sylvester sits back listening to Springbok as she addresses the individuals in the group.

So, she’s got a panic line to a kill switch on their ID’s. That’s actually pretty clever. Push comes to shove, and suddenly everyone here is flagged as needing a high-threat response. Poison gas and beanbag rounds for everyone. He’s suddenly happy he spent some time getting to know the locals, introducing himself and being friendly like. Naturally, he can’t say for sure what any of the security people will do, but there’s at least a glimmer of hope that Billy the Manager and Roger the security guard will hesitate before punching his ticket… oh, and maybe that manager’s keyfob can delay or deactivate the poison gas. You never can tell for sure how much ‘real’ authority the corporate types give to the local managers. The ol’ :”It didn’t work? Oh, maybe you didn’t use it right” bit is typically good for at least three incidents before the locals start to wonder.

”Well Ms. Springbok, I can’t speak for everyone, but I applaud your creative use of ‘stick’. Personally, I’m more of a ‘carrot’ guy though.”
Sylvester pauses to take a sip of his coffee.

 ”The job is watching your back for one handoff, fair enough. You want us to be big and scary meat-shields, or more along the lines of a secret ace in your sleeve?  Either way is fine, it’s just that the price to stand under a street light wearing all chrome is just a little higher than manning a sniper station. A single low level corporate ID that’s good for free food is a nice opener, but what does our payment look like on the flipside?”
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2012, 04:52:41 PM »

Feeling confident that he got the meaning behind her response. Galbraith squints a little at the threat of a fraud alert. Yeah, a gal's gotta cover her hoop, but that also shows she's got a bit of mean in her. Gotta make sure to watch the back side of this deal. Keep an eye out for her tryin' to "tie-up any loose ends."

The devil with a laser rifle sounds like he has a bit of experience in this field. If he actually knows how to use that rifle I'll probably feel a little better about this job.


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2012, 02:12:44 PM »

Scarlet simply sat there and listened as Springbok responded in kind to each of them.  She even let a sly smile appear when she gave the gruff man a piece of his own medicine.  Agreed, way to give it back to him young one.  She thought as she smiled.

She looked at the others as she spoke watching for reactions to her words as she also listened to the young woman.  Her hands never strayed far from her weapons and both feet were on the floor ready to stand at a seconds notice.

Seems legit.  Girl does a job. Johnson doesn't pay at the end.  Still has the paydata and finds another buyer.  Though now she needs some protection.  Scarlet you have come a long way from your days at Renraku.  She thought as she let out a very small sigh. 

She listened as one of the others spoke.  He had a good way with words and managed to get his point across that they might need more for this job that she might have been willing to offer.  There were a couple things she could add. 

"My compatriot does have some good points in reference to the ID.  I believe that we are all looking at what the end of this job will bring us."  She said with a nod to Sly.  "With that said there are a couple other questions. What kind of time frame are we looking at on this job?  Who are you meeting with?  Is he or she known here in Denver and what kind of muscle do they typically employ.  If he thinks your right off the bus he may try and pull a double cross in which case the job just became more dangerous."   She paused for a quick second.    "If you don't know the specifics maybe we might be able to help find and or fill in the blanks."


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2012, 01:29:03 PM »

"My apologies." a simple response which also has a simple motion with his hand for her to keep going while he appeared to be doing something in his AR screen with his other hand.

"She talks just like the other trainee Doc had always had every angle covered.   Doc let her out of training early when she thought she was ready.  Doc was growing her a new arm the next week.  The ones who think they have everything covered are the ones that usually get the bullet to the brainpan just as they are coming up for covering the next angle."

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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2012, 12:58:55 AM »

Eric stands farthest from the group, dress not too dissimilar from the college kids running around outside.  You get the sense he could blend into the crowd in this area if needed.  He's a little scrawny, with short styled hair and manicured facial hair.  He doesn't seem intimidating in any way, but at the same time he seems to be nonchalant in his demeanor.  When he speaks certain words those paying attention can pick up a slight French accent. 

Quote from: OOC
Etiquette roll for speaking with the group and to Springbok.
Etiquette pool 5 (Chrisma 3 + Etiquette 2)

5d6.hits(5) → [3,6,6,6,5] = (4)

After taking the time to listen to everyone and gauge their personalities he finally opens up.  He starts with an info drop, one he hopes Springbok pick up, just so she knows she's not working with newbies... and might calm down just a bit.  "Look miss, I know you've come a long way.  And at this point I think we all understand you're in a bit of a predicament."  He pauses a bit, to allow everyone to absorb the sentiment.  "I believe it's safe to say we're all at least a little bit interested in what you have to offer.  So, let's all listen to what she has to say, shall we?"  Another slight pause while he glances at the group.  "Being the people that we are, we're all interested in compensation, but I'm sure we can all agree a little more detail before we discuss payment is the best path to take."  He looks at Springbok.  "Now miss, I'm sure we wouldn't be here if you weren't in a little bit over your head, especially being so far from home.  So, let's handle this professionally, shall we?  At this point in time I don't think it would be in your best interests if any of us were to walk.


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #28 on: June 25, 2012, 11:28:20 PM »

“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.”
- Winston Churchill

Mood Music

Springbok watches the group carefully, through AR glasses tinted just the slightest shade of red. She accepts Kinsey’s apology with a nod, and then turns to the business of discussing the job. Springbok seems to settle down; this part of the job she seems comfortable with.

"The information I have is valuable," she details first, "I have no idea how valuable, but I had to crack a secure node to get at it. If I didn't need the money, I'd just dump it on the Nexus and be on my way. But that flight ain't gonna pay for itself."

"I got a buyer- a local criminal; I don't know him personally, but he seemed to check out. Ties to the Casquillo. Offered to buy the data, 10,000¥. He seemed to know I was an out-of-towner, asked if I'd be okay meeting him alone. I lied, told him I had a team, which seemed to surprise him."

"I hate people underestimating me," she says, darting a glance in Kinsey's direction, "but I do love surprising them."

"Here's the deal- you come with me to the drop, keep me safe, get me on my plane. In return, I can give you half of the money, and you've already seen how good I am with fake IDs... the ones you're using I managed to put together inside an hour. Imagine what I could do with a little extra time."

Quote from: GM Stuff
Okay, so that's her pitch.
  • A share of 5,000¥ in your pocket.
  • A low-level corporate ID with licenses in your pocket
  • A high-level fake SIN promised
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2012, 10:25:19 AM »

Sylvester listens to the offer with interest.
”I must say Ms. Springbok, that your offer sounds both fair, and well thought out. Allow me to counter offer this: Seeing as how you are more shadow runner, and less ‘Mr. Johnston’: how about if you keep my share of 1,000~odd newyen, or whatever it works out to; and put just a little extra tender loving care into my second ID. I naturally won’t turn down gas money, or ammo if it comes to it, operational costs you understand; but if we are trading skill for skill, I could certainly use additional ID’s more than I could use the couple of bucks. Heck, if you threw in a third ID, if ID’s are your thing, you could keep the gas money, and assuming your going SB to Seattle, I could put you in touch with a couple of old contacts of mine in my old home town. “

Charisma: 4 (Fame/Local: Seattle) +2
Influence (Group)  3
9d6.hits(5) → [1,1,5,6,2,5,3,6,5] = (5)
Five successes, Nice! Three ID’s here I come! And I’m hoping that if she accepts the hints to Seattle I’m offering: it will encourage her to put that ‘little extra effort and care’ into her work. After all, making an ID for someone you’ll never see again, even with an honest reputation and a good work ethic will give you one result, whereas giving an ID that will be used as a reference for your overall skill and getting you into a ‘work’ environment you hope to thrive in; will be quite another thing. 
No one writes jokes in Base-13
6 X 9 = 42
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