“Reality continues to ruin my life.”
― Bill Watterson
Foster the People 
Initiative Order:
]Drone: 16 @ 3 passes – full auto wide burst on Rastire
Scarlet: 16 @ 3 passes – full-auto long burst, 14DV w/4 successes
Sly: 15 @ 3 passes – finish getting behind cover, buckle on gas mask
Galbraith: 15 @ 3 passes – retrieve pack, get shotgun
Dubois: 15 @ 3 passes (VR) – Brute-force attack on Drone Firewall
Kinsey: 12 @ 3 passes - Prone, movement
Drone Rigger:
Initiative: 11d6.hits(5) → [2,4,6,3,3,6,6,6,1,2,5] = (5) (16 total)
Dodge versus Scarlet’s attack (Rigger Reaction(5) + Drone Handling(0), per SR4A, pg 170), +2 dice for Rigger running Hot Sim (SR4A, 245):
7d6.hits(5) → [1,5,1,4,6,5,3] = (3)
So -3 success leaves the attack with 1 successes. 15DV. Ouch, that’s a lot of damage.
Renraku Kitsune (Upgraded Nissan Roto-Drone)
Handling +0, Accel 10/25, Speed 100, Pilot 3, Body 5, Armor 6, Sensor 3, Avail 12, Cost 20,000¥
Damage Soak, the Rigger will reach into the Professional pool (5 dice, for being Red Samurai) for this one; Body (5) + Armor (6) + Professional Pool (5):
16d6.hitsopen(5,6) → [3,2,1,2,[6, 3],[6, 5],5,1,3,1,1,4,4,[6, 4],2,[6, 5]] = (7)
Holy Crap. Even with 7 hits, the drone takes 8 boxes of damage. It’s -3 on all future actions, and -1 for defending against Scarlet’s lead rain this round.
The rigger has to resist the hot biofeedback (7DV vs Will (4) + Biofeedback Filter(3)).
7d6.hits(5) → [5,3,4,6,1,2,6] = (3)
So the Rigger has her own 4 boxes of damage, basically undoing all the good she’s getting through being hooked into Hot VR.
Scarlet points the muzzle at the awkward drone almost contemptuously- if this is someone coming for her, they certainly haven’t done their homework. She’s taken down better than this rusty can with worse backup.
Of course, in that instance her backup actually had her back, rather than sprinting for freedom.
Smartlink confirms a firing solution, causing her muscles to contract to keep the spray within the field of fire. A logistic routine notes several rounds missing the shell or ricocheting off of the armor- perhaps this model has been upgraded?
The drone should have been blown out of the air- but despite breached armor and leaking fluids, and the sparks emitting at a fairly constant pace from the rear turbine, the Kitsune is still in the air. Which makes it somewhat sinister as the drone rotates to face her, the searchlight illuminating its own smoke at this point.
Sly finishes his sprint, hearing the chatter of machine gun fire as he locks his mask into place. He’s comforted by the familiar smell of his gas mask- the scent that comes from often using it, not the sterile smell of rubber or the stinking sweat of neglect, but the often worn and cleaned smell of abrax and aftershave.
The head fake and juke probably aren’t strictly necessary, but any metahuman trying to line up a bead on his back would be frustrated as he slides behind cover. The counter is the one real piece of cover in the entire room, unless someone wants to hunker down in the bathroom, and Sly tries to gesture for Roger to get behind cover. There are few rules more certain on the battlefield than ‘If someone is firing a machine gun, get down.’
The ‘Tin Man,’ tries not to look at the body of the girl- not much he could do for her, given that he doesn’t have a time machine or the ability to grant wishes, so he moves toward the next order of business- survival; that was the first order of business, too- truth be known, it came up a lot.
It’s well known how polite and professional McHugh’s security is; they pride themselves on it, and a recent customer survey ranked the security at McHughs below Emergency Services like firefighters, but above Security Corps like Lonestar and KnightErrant, and much higher than the local ZDF. It wasn’t common knowledge what happened when that security wasn’t enough, though; you had to have specialized information to know what happened then. Usually, a wall came down, sealing off the front door. The security decker, called a Spider, would trigger alerts if the physical security and management were unable to. As soon as the incident was noticed, the spider would log it and notify a High-Threat-Response team to come in and ‘pacify’ unruly customers in the safest and most polite way possible. Knowing that the missile took out the power and matrix node made that a little easier- maybe the spider was fried, maybe not, but it would have triggered some alerts.
As the machine and the
yamanba trade fire, Galbraith heads to his duffel on the floor and grabs his shotgun, allowing the smartlink to warm to the weapon and waiting a few milliseconds for the targeting display and ammo loadout to appear in his retinal display before proceeding.
Eric mentally cracks his knuckles as he prepares code- using a flaw in the firewall known well to those in the correct circles, a problem with the tensing protocol for the Renraku Ichi operating system. Possibly just a language problem, but it was rumored that the code was a backdoor put in by an angry former programmer after his firing.
Of course, who knew the truth? There was just the beauty of the code, the pure mathematical genius of it all. That’s why it’s so disappointing when the code falls flat- hitting a hole in the wall and yet still blocked. Within the node, Eric can see a carton samurai, wearing red armor and wielding a katana made of flame. The Icon can only be another programmer, and this fool’s firewall is blocking your access. Of course, trying to access the drone like that just rang his PAN and let him know you’re here.
The twin streams of machinegun fire are deafening- it’s impossible to tell who is winning, and who is losing, aside from everyone in danger from the bullets whipping around at the speed of sound.
Lucky for Kinsey, he’s moving quite a bit faster than his normal self, although he can feel a headache brewing behind his eyes with the effort of casting and maintaining the spell. The edge is worth it, though, and as he gets to his feet, Kinsey zigs to the right, headed behind the security guards and toward the food prep counters, where the plascrete and metal will give a decent amount of cover.
Running in the pattern left him out in the open, exposed, and the security who had turned toward the front door at the shout of danger now turned toward the rear of the resteraunt with surprised ‘o’s forming on their faces.
Okay, I think that’s everything.
Sorry about the recycled picture, Photobucket was down for 'maintenance,' and I couldn't do anything about it. I'll post positions tomorrow when the site is fixed, hopefully. Next actions!
EDIT: Fixed table to show Sly's text below the image rather than to the side. - Ingo