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Author Topic: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf  (Read 30328 times)


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #45 on: July 09, 2012, 05:47:57 PM »

The whine of a mini-gun’s rotating barrels spitting fire was pretty much the only thing anyone in the room would be able to hear after the coordinated and eardrum rupturing explosion a half-second earlier.
Sadly, the well machined whine of the barrels coming up to speed was probably what they heard through the wall, giving his small group the only half-second warning they received that death was imminent. 
Sylvester’s last step was pushed twice as far after the concussive blast of the wall opening explosion. Curiously he landed on his feet; a surprise to himself, and the approximately 0 people paying attention to him.

Time to process the new information:
First off: wounded? No. well, not yet anyways. At least one mini-gun is active; probability of other equally hostile forces showing up is super high. Are you still moving? No. Should I be? Yes… Keep to the original plan. That counter is still the only thing in the room that’ll stop a bullet, and the mini-gun fire will need to go somewhere after ventilating their would-be employer. Time to step up the pace though; I need to be the moving-est moving target that ever moved a moving move.

Sylvester will sprint the remaining distance to the counter, working in a left fake shift and half-duck to the right in the short distance before he bodily throws himself over and behind the counter.

Will it look silly? Yes. Will the extra effort be wasted? Probably. Could it save his life? Maybe.  Still going to do it? Definitely.

If he has time after his impromptu athletics display he’ll finish the last buckle on his gas-mask that got interrupted so rudely earlier by explosion and death.
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2012, 07:42:00 PM »

An old quote runs through his head as Kinsey started moving. "If you can't run then walk.  If you can't walk then crawl.  If you can't crawl then find someone to carry you."  He had very little intention of doing any part except the first as he started crawling then standing moving towards the counter.

OOC: It is Kinsey intention to get up and run and get behind the counter possibly the most solid piece of material in the building.  However he isn't going to go for a straight line but a staggered one putting as many bodies between him and that drone.  I am at a -2 for my actions since I am still sustaining a spell.

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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #47 on: July 09, 2012, 10:19:00 PM »

And that's why my cyberears have dampeners! 'Course they work great for ex-girlfriends, too, but there's no time for that now.

Damn it, girl! I didn't give ya' my coat  to make you bullet proof. Just to give you a little more cover. You seemed smarter than that. Maybe you've jus' never dealt with heavy weapons before.

Logic 5 + Security Design 3 = 8
8d6.hits(5) → [2,5,1,2,6,3,5,5] = (4)

McHughs generally has pretty decent security, but that much damage combined with the matrix and power now being sketchy at the best means that there's a good chance that the standard security measures won't kick in. Normally, the first thing I'd worry 'bout would be to make sure that if I'm still breathing in 30 seconds I'm not gonna' kill myself doing that breathing. Right now, though, I'm bettin' I've got some time before they get their drek back together and the security online. Time to do something that means I might still breathing in 30 seconds to worry about whether the air is something I want to be breathing.

Tin Man's actions: simple-move back over to his pack closer to the hole in the wall / simple-draw his shotgun / free-activate his smartlink.


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #48 on: July 18, 2012, 12:56:52 AM »

“Reality continues to ruin my life.”
― Bill Watterson
Foster the People

Quote from: DM Stuff
Initiative Order:
]Drone: 16 @ 3 passes – full auto wide burst on Rastire
Scarlet: 16 @ 3 passes – full-auto long burst, 14DV w/4 successes
Sly: 15 @ 3 passes – finish getting behind cover, buckle on gas mask
Galbraith: 15 @ 3 passes – retrieve pack, get shotgun
Dubois: 15 @ 3 passes (VR) – Brute-force attack on Drone Firewall
Kinsey: 12 @ 3 passes  - Prone, movement

Drone Rigger:
Initiative: 11d6.hits(5) → [2,4,6,3,3,6,6,6,1,2,5] = (5) (16 total)

Dodge versus Scarlet’s attack (Rigger Reaction(5) + Drone Handling(0), per SR4A, pg 170), +2 dice for Rigger running Hot Sim (SR4A, 245):
7d6.hits(5) → [1,5,1,4,6,5,3] = (3)
So -3 success leaves the attack with 1 successes. 15DV. Ouch, that’s a lot of damage.

Renraku Kitsune  (Upgraded Nissan Roto-Drone)
Handling +0, Accel 10/25, Speed 100, Pilot 3, Body 5, Armor 6, Sensor 3, Avail 12, Cost 20,000¥

Damage Soak, the Rigger will reach into the Professional pool (5 dice, for being Red Samurai) for this one; Body (5) + Armor (6) + Professional Pool (5):
16d6.hitsopen(5,6) → [3,2,1,2,[6, 3],[6, 5],5,1,3,1,1,4,4,[6, 4],2,[6, 5]] = (7)
Holy Crap. Even with 7 hits, the drone takes 8 boxes of damage. It’s -3 on all future actions, and -1 for defending against Scarlet’s lead rain this round.

The rigger has to resist the hot biofeedback (7DV vs Will (4) + Biofeedback Filter(3)).
7d6.hits(5) → [5,3,4,6,1,2,6] = (3)

So the Rigger has her own 4 boxes of damage, basically undoing all the good she’s getting through being hooked into Hot VR.

Scarlet points the muzzle at the awkward drone almost contemptuously- if this is someone coming for her, they certainly haven’t done their homework. She’s taken down better than this rusty can with worse backup.

Of course, in that instance her backup actually had her back, rather than sprinting for freedom.

Smartlink confirms a firing solution, causing her muscles to contract to keep the spray within the field of fire. A logistic routine notes several rounds missing the shell or ricocheting off of the armor- perhaps this model has been upgraded?

The drone should have been blown out of the air- but despite breached armor and leaking fluids, and the sparks emitting at a fairly constant pace from the rear turbine, the Kitsune is still in the air. Which makes it somewhat sinister as the drone rotates to face her, the searchlight illuminating its own smoke at this point.

Sly finishes his sprint, hearing the chatter of machine gun fire as he locks his mask into place. He’s comforted by the familiar smell of his gas mask- the scent that comes from often using it, not the sterile smell of rubber or the stinking sweat of neglect, but the often worn and cleaned smell of abrax and aftershave.

The head fake and juke probably aren’t strictly necessary, but any metahuman trying to line up a bead on his back would be frustrated as he slides behind cover. The counter is the one real piece of cover in the entire room, unless someone wants to hunker down in the bathroom, and Sly tries to gesture for Roger to get behind cover. There are few rules more certain on the battlefield than ‘If someone is firing a machine gun, get down.’

The ‘Tin Man,’ tries not to look at the body of the girl- not much he could do for her, given that he doesn’t have a time machine or the ability to grant wishes, so he moves toward the next order of business- survival; that was the first order of business, too- truth be known, it came up a lot.

It’s well known how polite and professional McHugh’s security is; they pride themselves on it, and a recent customer survey ranked the security at McHughs below Emergency Services like firefighters, but above Security Corps like Lonestar and KnightErrant, and much higher than the local ZDF. It wasn’t common knowledge what happened when that security wasn’t enough, though; you had to have specialized information to know what happened then. Usually, a wall came down, sealing off the front door. The security decker, called a Spider, would trigger alerts if the physical security and management were unable to. As soon as the incident was noticed, the spider would log it and notify a High-Threat-Response team to come in and ‘pacify’ unruly customers in the safest and most polite way possible. Knowing that the missile took out the power and matrix node made that a little easier- maybe the spider was fried, maybe not, but it would have triggered some alerts.

As the machine and the yamanba trade fire, Galbraith heads to his duffel on the floor and grabs his shotgun, allowing the smartlink to warm to the weapon and waiting a few milliseconds for the targeting display and ammo loadout to appear in his retinal display before proceeding.

Eric mentally cracks his knuckles as he prepares code- using a flaw in the firewall known well to those in the correct circles, a problem with the tensing protocol for the Renraku Ichi operating system. Possibly just a language problem, but it was rumored that the code was a backdoor put in by an angry former programmer after his firing.

Of course, who knew the truth? There was just the beauty of the code, the pure mathematical genius of it all. That’s why it’s so disappointing when the code falls flat- hitting a hole in the wall and yet still blocked. Within the node, Eric can see a carton samurai, wearing red armor and wielding a katana made of flame. The Icon can only be another programmer, and this fool’s firewall is blocking your access. Of course, trying to access the drone like that just rang his PAN and let him know you’re here.
The twin streams of machinegun fire are deafening- it’s impossible to tell who is winning, and who is losing, aside from everyone in danger from the bullets whipping around at the speed of sound.

Lucky for Kinsey, he’s moving quite a bit faster than his normal self, although he can feel a headache brewing behind his eyes with the effort of casting and maintaining the spell. The edge is worth it, though, and as he gets to his feet, Kinsey zigs to the right, headed behind the security guards and toward the food prep counters, where the plascrete and metal will give a decent amount of cover.

Running in the pattern left him out in the open, exposed, and the security who had turned toward the front door at the shout of danger now turned toward the rear of the resteraunt with surprised ‘o’s forming on their faces.
Quote from: DM Stuff
Okay, I think that’s everything.

Sorry about the recycled picture, Photobucket was down for 'maintenance,' and I couldn't do anything about it. I'll post positions tomorrow when the site is fixed, hopefully. Next actions!

EDIT: Fixed table to show Sly's text below the image rather than to the side. - Ingo
« Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 11:40:17 AM by Ingo Monk »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
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3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #49 on: July 18, 2012, 05:00:58 PM »

DREK that elf's fast! 'An I thought I could move. She drew and sprayed that flying death machine before I could even get to my Remi'. Accurately enough to cause some noticable damage, too. (Or maybe it was just the kinda' luck that you only see in the 'vids? Doubt it.) Are those other two running away or running for cover? Maybe the rest of us can still get this thing dropped before anybody else dies.....

These actions assume that the drone is still active by the time I get my turn (if not then I'll figure out something else):
Free Action - chamber a round
Simple Action - Aim for a weak spot that is either sparking or leaking fluid
Simple Action - fire shotgun into a vital area

Agility 7 + Longarms 4 + Smartlink 2 + Aiming 1 - Targeting vital area 4:
10d6.hits(5) → [5,2,4,1,4,5,1,5,1,4] = (3)

AP -1, DV 7 + 4 (vital area) + hits


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #50 on: July 18, 2012, 06:38:57 PM »

Sylvester landed hard on his back, shoulder blades and elbows taking the most of his impact with terra firma on the ‘safe’ side of the counter.

Someone else providing distraction?
Judging by the sounds of battling fully-automatic weaponry going mono-e-mono that was covered too.

Well: his own hoop was covered, so now was the time to see about pulling a few other hoops out of the fire.

Sylvester spins on the dust covered floor, strange how one little wall getting demolished ruined what was a perfectly waxed floor ten seconds ago.

Clumsily getting his legs under himself he draws his laser rifle from its shoulder sling and sets himself up a makeshift tri-pod with the countertop as the pivot.

Reduced cross section of visibility/vulnerability, a stable crouched firing platform, and a recoilless rifle (it got hot after a shot, but that little warmth was nothing compared to the kicking bronco of weapons powered by gunpowder explosions) should make for a rather accurate 10 shots of emerald-green sun-shiny goodness. 

Now, things were going to get interesting…
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #51 on: July 18, 2012, 08:53:40 PM »

Running the rest of the distance to get behind cover of the counter.  Drawing his pistol he lets the others worry about the drone and activates his mage sight.  "Just one drone isn't our biggest worry it's probably just a distraction."    Stripping off his long coat and setting it up on the counter as some extra cover and a more comfortable firing position.  Taking the time to look out the doors that are probably not in a locked position. 

OCC: Not sure how many actions that will be but most of them are simple I believe.  However I don't think I will get all these actions at once. 

Free action: Run, Simple action? Take cover, Simple Action: Ready Weapon, Simple action: Observe in detail.

Perception: Intuition + Perception + Enhancements (3 dice as Astral sight doesn't gain me any bonuses)

3d6= 4,3,3 (no successes no glitches)

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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #52 on: July 19, 2012, 10:14:04 AM »

After realizing what happened, Eric attempts to jam the signal to the drone.

Quote from: OOC
Jam on the Fly
EWAR 2 + Signal 6 = Pool of 8

8d6.hits(5) → [4,5,3,6,2,1,6,4] = (3)


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #53 on: July 19, 2012, 08:23:31 PM »

If she hadn't been concentrating on unloading on the drone Scarlet might have raised an eyebrow at the sight of the fleeing patrons.  Unfortunately it seemed like the other runners were among them.   Frag I had better not have to do this all by myself!  She thought as the last round left the business end of her weapon. 

From the information that her smartlink was providing ten rounds had been fired.  From the looks of the effort was worth it.  Sparks flew from the rear of the machine as fluids stained the floor.  No matter how one looked at it there was going to be one hell of a mess to clean up.  A mess that she wasn't going to be around for or have to answer questions about. 

She could see that the others had either made it to cover and or had drawn a weapon.  There was one problem she had gotten the drones attention in a big way as it rotated towards her.  If anyone has been looking at her they might have seen the slight smile that crossed her face as she wondered how the rigger was feeling after her onslaught of lead.  Well their about to feel it again. She thought as she sent the mental command again to fire.  This time though it was only six rounds.  With it pretty badly damaged it wouldn't take much more to down the drone and hopefully take out the rigger as well. 

"Anyone have eyes outside."  She yelled to the others as she looked at the breach trying to see who or what else might be outside.   Scarlet took  a few steps to the side away from the one she assumed was the Hacker who looked to be taking a nap amid the battle that sprung up.  She was hoping to keep him out of the field of fire. 

Free action to yell to the others.

Simple action to observe in detail
14d5.hits(5) → [5,1,3,2,3,1,1,2,1,4,4,3,2,2] = (1)    Bleh!
Perception  4 + Intuition 4 + Attention Coprocessor 3 + Vision enhancement  3 = 14 dice

Simple action to fire a Long burst.  +5 DV to the attack.  All recoil is compensated. 
17d6.hits(5) → [4,1,4,1,6,4,6,3,6,1,4,4,4,4,4,5,6] = (5)
Agility 9 + Automatics 6 + smartlink 2 =17



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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #54 on: July 23, 2012, 11:52:47 PM »

Positions at start of round:
"Plans are nothing; planning is everything."
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
My Body is A Cage

Quote from: DM Stuff
Initiative Order:
Drone: 16 @ 3 passes – Full Auto Wide Burst on Scarlet (6DV, -1AP, 2 Successes, Wide Burst -5 dice for Scarlet's defense)
Scarlet: 16 @ 3 passes – Long burst, XX DV w/5 successes
Sly: 15 @ 3 passes – set up Laser Rifle
Galbraith: 15 @ 3 passes – Shotgun @ Drone; AP -1, DV 7 + 4 (vital area) + hits (3)
Dubois: 15 @ 3 passes (VR) – Jam on the Fly
Kinsey: 12 @ 3 passes  - Get behind cover, ready pistol

Renraku Kitsune  (Upgraded Nissan Roto-Drone)
Handling +0, Accel 10/25, Speed 100, Pilot 3, Body 5, Armor 6, Sensor 3, Avail 12, Cost 20,000¥
Drone takes 8 boxes of damage. It’s -3 on all future actions, and -1 for defending against future attacks
Rigger has her own 4 boxes of damage, negating Hot Stim

Drone Attack - Spraying Scarlet's area with lead showers
Wide Burst (SR4A, 154) -5 Dice Modifier for Scarlet to avoid attack
Renracu Kitsune drone is using a Renracu-equivalent of a GE Vindicator Minigun
Damage: 6P AP: -1 Mode: FA (Regular Caseless Ammunition)
Luckily that means it has to carry a lot of bulky ammunition and can't keep up this firing rate forever.

If he was remote Controlling: Drone Pilot (3) + Clearsight Autosoft (3) + Hotsim (2) + Damage (-3) + Rigger wounds (-2) = 3
Since she's jumped in: Drone Sensor (3) + Gunnery (5) + Hotsim (2) + Damage (-3) + Rigger wounds (-2) = 5

5d6.hits(5) → [1,4,6,4,6] = (2)

That's 6DV, with 2 successes, with Scarlet taking a -5 to her defense to avoid it.
I think I'll let Scarlet/Yogi roll defense and let other people revise their actions as they see fit.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 11:55:30 PM by Kid_Vid »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #55 on: July 24, 2012, 02:04:50 PM »

Roll for the dodge.
Reaction 8 - 5 = 3 dice pool
3d6.hits(5) → [2,6,5] = (2)

I think the 2 hits will negate the attack but here's a damage resistance test just in case.

Damage soak
Body 4 + FFBA half suit 4 + Lined Coat 6 = 14
14d6.hits(5) → [4,4,3,4,2,3,5,2,2,1,5,2,3,6] = (3)

Spending edge to reroll failures
14 pool - 3 successes = 11 pool

11d6.hits(5) → [5,2,5,5,4,2,1,4,6,5,6] = (6)   Should of had this the first time.

Like I mentioned if the two successes for the dodge negate the attack, dismiss the damage rolls. 

Her attack should still go though I believe. 



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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #56 on: July 26, 2012, 12:32:45 AM »

“The spread of civilization may be likened to a fire; First, a feeble spark, next a flickering flame, then a mighty blaze, ever increasing in speed and power.”
- Nikola Tesla

Ode to Joy

Quote from: GM Stuff
Initiative Order:
Drone: 16 @ 3 passes – Full Auto Wide Burst on Scarlet (6DV, -1AP, 2 Successes, Wide Burst -5 dice for Scarlet's defense)
Scarlet: 16 @ 3 passes – Long burst, 10 DV w/5 successes
Sly: 15 @ 3 passes – set up Laser Rifle
Galbraith: 15 @ 3 passes – Shotgun @ Drone; AP -1, DV 7 + 4 (vital area) + hits (3)
Dubois: 15 @ 3 passes (VR) – Jam on the Fly
Kinsey: 12 @ 3 passes  - Get behind cover, ready pistol

Renraku Kitsune  (Upgraded Nissan Roto-Drone)
Handling +0, Accel 10/25, Speed 100, Pilot 3, Body 5, Armor 6, Sensor 3, Avail 12, Cost 20,000¥
Drone takes 8 boxes of damage. It’s -3 on all future actions, and -1 for defending against future attacks
Rigger has her own 4 boxes of damage, negating Hot Stim

Dodge versus Scarlet’s attack (Rigger Reaction(5) + Drone Handling(0), per SR4A, pg 170)  - 3 dice for Damage = 2:
2d6.hits(5) → [1,6] = (1) Ooh, a glitch!

Damage Soak for the poor little drone who only wanted to kill all humans...
Body (5) + Armor (6) = 11:
11d6.hits(5) → [6,1,2,5,5,5,4,4,5,5,5] = (7)
Nope, d-e-d.

The sparks fly from the rear rotor as the drone comes about, spoiling the image of an omnipotent dealer of medaron. It's a simple enough tactic to avoid the gunfire- lateral movement is all that's required, as the pivoting rotor is the most heavily damaged.

Lining up the shot on the shuddering drone is easy- almost as if the fight had gone out of the thing. Scarlet hopes that the hacker is still in there as she sends the mental command to fire, spraying the machine and downing it, the drone crashing to the floor and causing a secondary detonation as some of the remaining ammunition in the bot misfires.

"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)

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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #57 on: July 27, 2012, 12:10:31 PM »

Note to self: don't go straight up with the elf. You don't own enough armor. Let's see what the other neighbors have to say 'bout this?

Tin Man will cover the new back door.
Simple Action: Keeping his Remy' targeted at the hole he will carefully move up to the hole, but not enough to silhouette himself.
Simple Action: Looking (out the edge he can see through from behind the wall) & listening out the hole - Observe in Detail:
Intuition 5 + Perception 4 = 9
9d6.hits(5) → [4,2,6,5,3,3,4,4,4] = (2)

OOC: Of course, he's only going that close if he does NOT see anybody lined up near the hole for entry as he moves up. If there is a tactical team staged for entry then the second action would change to: Simple action Fire shotgun
Agility 7 + Longarms 4 + Smartlink 2
13d6.hits(5) → [5,2,2,4,2,2,3,3,2,1,4,2,4] = (1)


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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #58 on: July 29, 2012, 08:55:41 PM »

What Galbraith Sees:

« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 08:58:17 PM by Kid_Vid »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)

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Re: Scenario 2 - Foxtrot - Romeo - Alpha - Golf
« Reply #59 on: July 30, 2012, 04:53:56 PM »

Is this some drekkin' joke? Cuz I ain't laughin'. Is all this 'bout that li'l gal's paydata or is this just the universe's idea of funny? If so, we're gonna have words when this is over.

Free Action: "APC runnin' low-light! NOW!!!"

3rd pass intent
Simple Action: fire shotgun @ the gun turret looking for a weak spot
Agility 7 + Longarms 4 + Smartlink 2 - targeting vital area 4 = 9
9d6.hits(5) → [5,3,6,2,5,4,1,6,5] = (5)
Damage: AP -1, DV 7 + 4 + hits (5 - dodge if applicable)

OOC: If that's not enough.....
Simple Action: Rinse. Repeat.
Agility 7 + Longarms 4 + Smartlink 2 - targeting vital area 4 = 9
9d6.hits(5) → [4,3,5,3,1,5,4,6,2] = (3)
Damage: AP -1, DV 7 + 4 + hits (3 - dodge if applicable)

OOC: If the 1st one was enough to eliminate the turret then the 2nd shot will go for the driver if he can see him or any spot that looks vulnerable on the vehicle.
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