"When you don't have any money, the problem is food. When you have money, it's sex. When you have both, it's health. If everything is simply jake, then you're frightened of death."
- Marilyn Monroe
Round 2.3
Scarlet: 16 @ 3 passes – reload, maybe move to cover
Sly: 15 @ 3 passes – call to his buddy, tell him to take cover.
Galbraith: 15 @ 3 passes – take a shot, drop gun and run for bag
Dubois: 15 @ 3 passes (VR) – continue hacking node
Red Samurai: 12 @ 3 passses - Enter, Stage Left.
Kinsey: 12 @ 3 passes - Ready Counterspell, astral perception
This is just the resolution of already posted actions for Round 2.3; all new actions come toward the bottom of this post.
Scarlet drops her half-empty mag into a pocket as she slides a fresh mag into her assault rifle, keeping her head down as she moves toward cover. That back counter is becoming a target-rich environment, as it's known, so she heads toward the only other bit of cover she's seen- the bathroom doorframe.
Kicking open the ladies' room door, Scarlet takes a knee and trains her muzzle on the opening, knowing that something bad is about to come through that hole.
Scarlet aims to make them regret that decision.
The trained professionals are hopelessly outclassed in this fight- if they just had to deal with the thugs Rastire brought in, they would have been outclassed- but these are Red Samurai. They believe that they're already dead and that only through combat and death can they find meaning and life. That's some philosophically heavy drek.
Calling out to Roger doesn't do much- either he's hard of hearing with all the shooting and explosions, or he's a little slow, but eventually he gets the jist of Sly's message: 'Get behind cover,' and wanders over to crouch slightly behind the exterminator with his taser out.
The APC roaring down the alleyway toward you is no joke- it's a seriously armored vehicle, and as Galbraith holds his weapon ready and carefully fires at the turret, what's possibly the weakest part of the armor, the shot simple bounces off, punching a hole in the plascrete of the alley walls in the near-blackness.
The APC is running Renraku AROs on the outside, including a feed that makes you feel the sea breeze of eastern Japan on your face as you stare toward the rising sun and think tranquil thoughts- there's no way a feel that
Better than Life is legal, and generally frowned upon in polite company.
As the shot bounces off, it's clear that you'll need to upgrade your arsenal for something that packs a little more punch. The doors are cracking as Galbraith takes three steps, putting him at the corner where the hacker is napping, and he drop the Remington next to the bag as he searches through the bag for the sniper rifle
The node is designed in a tea house setup, an oversized moon reflected in a pond rippling from the slight breeze as cherry blossoms fall onto the surface of the water.
Finding the node is no problem- it's pumping out static on every frequency that it can, and pumping out company doctrine as fast and hot as it can to the passerby, as well as giving the bird to the ZDF who doubtless want to come in and make a crater out of this thing- Ghostwalker is going to be
pissed when he hears about this little incident.
Kinsey watches as the human-deprived auras quickly approach the McHughs, trying to get a read on what cyberwear they have: a lot; and where they have it installed: pretty much everywhere.
The good thing about a refrigerator is that they don't have a lot of will when it comes to resisting mana burn.
"The solution of every problem is another problem"
- Johann Wolfgang Von GoetheEdit: Continued 4-SEP-2012Round 3.1
Scarlet: 16 @ 3 passes – From cover, lay down cover fire*
Sly: 15 @ 3 passes – Shootzor someone's face off
Galbraith: 15 @ 3 passes – Swap for sniper rifle
Dubois: 15 @ 3 passes (VR) – continue hacking node
Red Samurai: 12 @ 3 passses - Enter, Stage Left.
Kinsey: 12 @ 3 passes - Magikzor someone's face off
Scarlet lays down cover fire (Suppresive Fire, SR4A pg 154)
17d6 per Yogi's previous post, minus some modifiers: http://www.jackpoint.net/sheets/ranged.modifiers.html
Attacker Running (-2), Target has good cover (-4), Attacker firing from cover (-1), Attacker Firing in near darkness with thermographic vision (-2) = 17-9 dice = 8 dice
8d6.hits(5) → [2,2,2,3,2,1,1,5] = (1)
From the door of the woman's rest room, Scarlet shouts at everyone to stay clear of the opening, and lays off a chatter of machine gun fire, not aiming at anything in particular, but spraying bullets and praying someone is stupid enough to stick their heads out.
Anyone stupid enough to be out in the line of fire better be smart enough to keep their heads down or armored like a tank.
Sly shoots at the mook- who gets a chance to dodge before the attack hits.
Red Samurai Leader: Dodge (4) + Reaction (5) Armor penalty -1 = 8 (let's say +1 for Ruski firing from cover, +4 for his own good cover)
13d6.hits(5) → [6,1,4,1,1,6,6,1,2,6,1,5,1] = (5)
I'll give it to Ruski, even though ties are supposed to go to defender, because Ruski used a point of Edge.
Ooh, almost a glitch on the RedSamurai's part, too. One more 1 would have gone very badly for him.
Anyway, Damage resistance -1/2 impact armor
Bod (4) + Impact Armor (10 *.5=5) = 9
He's going to waste his professional pool on this; +5 dice = 14 (he really doesn't want to die in round 1)
14d6.hitsopen(5,6) → [4,4,[6, 1],3,4,1,[6, 5],4,2,1,3,4,5,2] = (4)
Red Samurai Lieutenant takes 5 boxes of physical damage (ouch), even with all his armor and training.
With a quiet hum indicating that the capacitor has fully charged and is prepared to discharge, Sly takes aim at the opening, waiting for the first red samurai to show him anything worth hitting. In this case, one of the mooks sticks his head up and surveys the entry point briefly, only to catch laser in the face.
It's a glancing blow, but a glancing blow on someone's face with a weapon that cuts through armor like soy-kheez still does a lot of damage. It's hard to tell what exactly got hit, but if the man's howl of pain is any indicator, it got him good. Maybe burned out one eye and half of his face.
With Scarlet's gun barking ammo in the general direction of the hole, and the flash of a heat laser, Galbraith is probably happy that he has his back turned, swapping out weapons and preparing for one hell of a fight to come. You're not really sure why, but it brings a smile to your face when the immortal and untouchable Red Samurai howls like a kid being beaten in public after the laser show.
Also, apparently the exterminator with the positron accelerator isn't someone to piss off.
I'm going to say that two successes isn't enough to crack the node.
The node appears to have been lovingly sculpted by some hacker with a japanese fetish; everything is dripping with corporate irony in a way that can't actually be intentional. You feel like sending an image scan to the dumpshock crew, so they can get a good laugh at it.
Dubois' second attempt to crack the patterning of the japanese code results in a system blip, a red alert that probably signals whoever is here to come do something about the intruder.
Fortunately for you, they're too lazy to run over here themselves right away. Unfortunately for you, this node is loaded with baby swarm IC.
The Red Samurai turn:
Two grenades toss through the hole, each one designed to do who knows what.
You have a split second to react.
We'll give Kinsey a chance to save that roll, and save his bacon this round, if he (or Bull) wants to. If he chooses to forgo the attempt to take full cover behind the counter, the grenades go off at the start of the next combat pass