I just saw that too thanks KV but mine says that smartlink only takes up one but it requires a image link (which I guess would make it take up two) where is it that it says 3?
Chummer question: How do I add these mods to the item such as contact lenses with image link, smartlink, vision enhancement (rating 3)?
Skill question:
If a character does not have Perception but has a device that increases perception (based on a sense) does that equipment modifier get added to a roll?
The capacity of 3 is for the cyberware version. The rating of the cybereye (1-4) has a capacity rating (4-16). See SR4A pg. 341 for the cyberware version of eyes and ears.
For contacts look at SR4A pg. 333. That is where the table is for eye and ear enhancements. (contacts, glasses, goggles, earbuds, headphones, microphone).
Rating 3 contacts can have up to three things in it (theres no capacity rating). What you have to watch out for is the going over an availability of 12 at CharGen.
In looking at Scarlet I goofed and put the image link in her glasses not her contacts (which still had a slot left in it.) Skinlink does not take up a slot.
As for the chummer question on adding enhancements to contact, glasses, etc.
Go to the street gear section, select gear and then click on your contacts. Add plugin, go to the drop down menu and go to the bottom. You will see
Vision enhancements which is right above vision enhancers (which is where you got the contacts, glasses, etc. in the first place) There you can choose the enhancements you want on your contacts.
As for the skill question even if you don't have the skill perception equipment bonuses will stack on your untrained perception check. So that vision enhancement R3 will add 3 dice to your check.
While the non-cybered versions can be lost taken they cost thousands less and take up no essence. Getting tricked out eyes and ears and you can soak up between .4 and 1 for essence loss. That's a lot for any character. Now delta ware cybereyes R3 might be worth it. 1k times 10 for delta grade is only 10k (for the eyes themselves with no mods) at .2 essence loss. Not a bad deal if you think about it. It's a good thing the enhancement themselves don't also cost x10 or it would not be a good deal.
Kv what I mentioned before about Scarlet's contact lenses could I fix that? Move the image link to her lenses instead of her glasses. It makes more sense having them in one.