LOL yea. I agree that talking religion and politics are the two best ways to destroy friendships and make enemies, however, i'm not that invested into my political views, so if someone 'attacks' them, i don't get butthurt about it, and my 'attacks' are done with the same level of enthusiasm... almost none. *shrug*
So. let's see if we can come up with a better solution than rebuilding Iraq... how about developing a science program to create an inexpencive fuel replacement.
I have been thinking about this alot recently. looking into alternative fuel cars... researching power cell technology by GM... and then it hit me on the way home one day... there are WAY too many cars out there for a replacement to work. it'll never happen. ghetto families everywhere will be stuck without transportation because they can hardly afford the $300 POS they are driving now, let alone a $40,000 new hydrogen powercell... now, the economics of hooking a pump into the earth and sucking out, almost labor free pure money is going to be tough to beat in the price market, so what we need to do is find something that we can convert easily to a burnable form, or find some way to cheaply modify current vehicles to burn something else. we have synthetic oil... (it's about twice as expencive as normal oil) so, if we go off of that and refine it, we should be able to create gas at about $6 / gallon from some process... anyone have any ideas?
-RuskiFace the Pirate