Does watching for half an hour count. That's all I could stand before utter disgust regarding the absolute lack of original thinkers working at SciFi Channel took over. In the the REAL Battlestar (and yes I grant its over the top campiness) Apollo, et al were actually their names - the ones given by their parents.
Thankyou, I was going to say the same thing. They constantly refer to the pilots as "Lt. Starbuck" or "Capt. Apollo" in the original, which you wouldn't do if you were a superior officer like Adama or Tigh. Particularly Adama - he wouldn't call his own son by his callsign unless Apollo was on a mission.
And who the crap came up with the idea of having the Cylons being:
a) Created by Humans; and
b) Looking like Humans?
The whole freaking premise of Battlestar Gallactica was that the Cylons were a domineering race who decided to wipe out humanity because the humans had intervened when the Cylons wanted to destroy someone's planet. The Cylons preyed on the human's hope for peace, springing a sneak attack with the help of a human traitor called Baltar (who wanted the human race subjegated under him, rather than destroyed). There was none of this 'humans created the cylons but now they've advanced beyond our technology' bulldust. And why would they only make 12 human-looking models? Seems much easier to infiltrate humanity by making 500 different-looking models.