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Author Topic: paddin  (Read 193876 times)


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« Reply #2430 on: February 07, 2006, 07:36:32 AM »

You know, LARPers always freaked me out a bit. I don't know whay, but the sight of a 300 pound gaming store owner dressed as a viking and insisting he is a 5'-3", 145 pound elven ranger, just makes me shudder with repressed disgust. I don't know why. ;)


PS - Star Wars was a damn fun game.
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« Reply #2431 on: February 07, 2006, 07:42:23 AM »

Well, I really haven't done all that many LARPS, and with one exception, I've stuck to characters physically similar to myself.  That one exception was in a Star Wars LARP where I got to play Talon Karrde.


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« Reply #2432 on: February 07, 2006, 07:48:22 AM »

Huh. Did yo all have those store-bought Star Wars blasters that made the cool shooting noises????

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« Reply #2433 on: February 07, 2006, 07:57:43 AM »

At the time I had almost no money, so I had to settle for a cheap knock-off that belonged in an old B movie...but I do have this really cool flashlight that looks just like a lightsaber.  Metal casing, the switch has the option of always on or on only if I'm pushing a butten, and a key ring I can use to jury rig a way to attach it to a belt or something.

Most of my costuming stuff is pieced together from things I use else where, but I do have a nice cloak that's generic enough to fit a lot of different scenarios and a couple other things I've bought when I had the money.


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« Reply #2434 on: February 07, 2006, 08:19:43 AM »

I didn't like the starwars system. it didn't really let you be anything other than a Jedi. (I like being a tech)
also, the space combat was a bit ... wonkie... to say the least.

Star wars is fun though. I have one of thoes replicas of the lightsabres that lights up all cool and makes sounds.

(got it for my birthday last year)

it's red. I'm a dark, dark jedi. LOL

-RuskiFace the Dark Jedi Pirate
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« Reply #2435 on: February 07, 2006, 08:25:42 AM »

uh, was that the video game?  'cuz, while I have played that, I was talking about the table top game.  I usually play a Scoundrel.  No Jedi powers.

As for the lightsaber--vary cool.  Try swinging it around while someone else takes a pic with a digital camera.  If done right, the light will blur and you'll see a trail.


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« Reply #2436 on: February 07, 2006, 08:31:16 AM »

and if you use photochop, you can do all sorts of other wonderfull things with it.

but mostly it's fun to swing arround and turn on.

I played the table-top.

perhaps it was just the group I did it with, but it seemed to me that every creature we faced required you to be a jedi to help beat it.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #2437 on: February 07, 2006, 08:44:23 AM »

eh.  Sounds like it was the group/GM's problem then.  Last Star Wars game (Con one shot deal) we did go up against a Dark Jedi and one or two apprentices.  We beat him using Stun grenades: Toss a grenade, shoot, toss grenade...the GM hadn't counted on the baddies failing the saves as often as they did.  Picked up a bunch thermal detonators and other items I could've sold on the black market, had the game continued.  hehe, although they were old enough half of the grenades didn't work, and most of the blasters had partially or fully depleted power packs.


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« Reply #2438 on: February 07, 2006, 08:56:56 AM »

ouch. well, if you gotta start somewhere, there's no better place than the price point on recycled defective hardware. LOL

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #2439 on: February 07, 2006, 09:44:50 AM »

I didn't like the starwars system. it didn't really let you be anything other than a Jedi. (I like being a tech)
also, the space combat was a bit ... wonkie... to say the least.

Star wars is fun though. I have one of thoes replicas of the lightsabres that lights up all cool and makes sounds.

(got it for my birthday last year)

it's red. I'm a dark, dark jedi. LOL

-RuskiFace the Dark Jedi Pirate

are you talking about the D20 system or the original d6? The D6 system rocked! we had a blast playing that one. And in the games I ran we only ever had 1 person play a jedi and that was the second game I ran. The first one Gabe was in and we had 2 pilots, 1 bounty hunter, and my char was a smuggler. Not a single Jedi. Great game :)
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« Reply #2440 on: February 07, 2006, 09:53:47 AM »

I used the D6 for the tabletop.

*shrug* must have just been the group I ran with at that time though.

I've only played the D20 version on video-game style. Haven't had the gumption to put together a group to try it out tabletop.

-RuskiFace the Priate
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« Reply #2441 on: February 07, 2006, 10:12:06 AM »

Hmmm... that would explain why my experience playing in a group was so different from yours- usually your opinion is one of the few that I trust, so if you say something sucks, it usually does.

I've had fun playing the d20 version- it is newer, but I like a lot of the things about it. My group is all jedi, but we're fairly weak-sauce jedi, so the guy with the grenades is a big help. I'm thinking if my jedi gets killed off, I'm going to make a scoundrel smuggler. (Being severe lightside in a mostly darkside group has that pending issue of mortality.)

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« Reply #2442 on: February 07, 2006, 10:14:15 AM »

I think that with any group, liking the people you play with is the biggest way to make or break a system.

Hell, I could play monoply with my brothers and enjoy it.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #2443 on: February 07, 2006, 10:34:31 AM »

We did play Monoploy. Your wife cheated.


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« Reply #2444 on: February 07, 2006, 10:52:51 AM »

lol yeah.  That's defineately true about how the people make or break a game.  One guy I know can't play without getting up and acting out what his character is doing.  Doesn't matter if it's a table top or LARP, he's probably one of the most animated people I know.

There was a run where a guard wasn't supposed to let anyone go up in an elevator.  He first told the guard they wanted to go down, then convinced him that down was up and up was down, and, while the baffled guard was trying to figure everything out, gave a mock salute, said 'See ya' and walked right past.
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