I'll call up Svan. I need someplace to lay low for a while. I've done enough work for him so hopefully he'll accomodate me. Actually, scratch that cuz I don't want to use my phone. I'll find a pay phone and use a certified credstick so I can't be tracked.
Okay, you call up Svan at home, and he's not sleeping (aparently someone needed some custom mods done tomorow) but he is irritable. "Look Takashi, i'm up aghinst a wall here, and i know that you've had a hard day too, and you have put one of my kids through colledge with modifications to your car (and that's a work of art i don't mind calling my own) but i'm really buisy right now working for some customers that don't want to be... well... i can't do much right now. Hey! How about this? You help me help them, and we will be done, so i can help you! I need a hard-to-find supercharger for the H-8 Military Hummer. Now, the only shop that sells them is inside the UCAS and about three days out shipping UPS, however, i just installed one in a diffrent chummer's ride, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind getting me out of a pinch. If you could go get it for me right quick, i could have this job done in an hour, and then i can see about getting you out of trouble, how's that sound amigo? here is the address if you are interested.