"Ok then, if everything goes as planned I'll see you in a bit."
I'll wipe the phone off with a hankercheif, and do the same with the places I touched on the car, and be pretty thorough about it.
I'll go ahead and survey the area, trying to keep outta site. I'll look for that back way in and look to see what's between the gate and the house if I can. I'll try and find an inconspicuous spot to park the car, as it'll be sitting here for a little bit.
Can you describe what it looks like between where I parked, the back entrance, and the way up to the house?
There is indeed an open 'park' thing with a twisting walkway, two foot deep stream (with a pretty waterfall on the north side) some zen-garden style rocks, and a turnstyle gate that would be tough to take much more than a bicicle through. the park is about 60 yards accrost, and there is a parking lot for a closed bookstore accrost the way. (that's where you park the corvette) up to the house is a couple blocks of surburbia cookie-cutter homes at their best. each house is identical, and one of three colors. each house has a two car garage, a mailbox, a tree, a shrub, and a poarch swing. almost every house is dark, except for the security lights allong the driveways, and a motion activated light at the front poarch. you would be hard pressed to find cover on the streets, although you could try dashing from tree to tree. (but they really aren't that big, the trees are big enough to climb, but not big enough to stand behind without being noticed, unless you were exactly on the opposite side of them, and had your hands down by your side. (although the dark of night would probibly increase their consealability factor a bit.) the security guards are makeing their rounds on bikes, armed with only flashlights and walkie talkies as far as you can tell. they look moderatly board, mostly cold, but nonetheless alert. you have about five minutes after a guard passes out of sight before the next one rounds the bend.