Sweet!, I'll try and rip a small branch from the bush to kinda sweep over my tracks a little bit so it doesn't look as obvious. Then I'll swing around the back of a house and try and take a peek over the fence, sticking to the shadows as best as I can.
The best you get is a lumpy path where your footprints were. it's not as good as fresh fallen snow... but unless they are looking for you, it'll probibly work. peaking over the side of this house, you have to jump up the fence a little bit. it's a 8' high wood post fence, knocking the snow off of the top you check for razer wire and the like and are delighted to find that there isn't any there. the backyard has a spa, a bbq thingie, and a hammoc. all covered with snow. there are some small trees and a patio cover, but you don't see any motion detectors. there is also a planter on the inside, that'll make it easyer to jump into the next yard.