So if there were a dog in the dog house, and he just went in there recently, about how long would it take for the snowfall to cover up his tracks?
well, you aren't a weatherman, but you'd guess that it'd probibly be easy to spot the trappings of a dog wandering about if it had been within the last hour at soonest. you suddenly wish that you were back playing DnD with raymond from the office. you only played it once (because you lost a bet) but you had been an elf that could track animals or something like that... you wish you had thoes skills now. you also wish that raymond wasn't dead. *shrug* while you are wishing though, you might as well wish that you still had a job, your favorite boss wasn't dead, you weren't framed for his murder, you weren't climbing through rosebushes to go steal a hummer, and that it wasn't snowing. ... you sigh and look some more at the torn up yard... do thoes tracks look recent? they all seem to be filled with quite a bit of snow... but thoes ones... perhaps they are just close to the wall and the wall made it so that the snow didn't cover them as well... hmmm... yea. defenitly at least more than an hour old. or a day.