Ok, I'll check the backyard of the house for movement real quick. If none I'll vault over it and the process of hopping from yard to yard. A little quickly now so I can space myself as much as possible from the light. I'll make sure to watch for things near the fences though, don't want to knock over any potted plants or anything.
Okay, you scramble up over the fence into the back yard, run as quietly as possible to the next fence, get a little hop over a brick wall, pauseing on top of the fence only long enough to see that you aren't jumping into a swimming pool or tin can collection. you get through three backyards before you stop to breathe, listening with all your might for any crys of alarm, and looking for the sweeping beam of tell-tale flashlight search patterns, to let you know that someone is onto you. several minutes pass by, you are almost holding your breath, but not hearing anything out of the ordanary for the night. when you finall get a chance to look arround at your surroundings, this is what you see. there is a basketball court in this back yard, with slightly lower than regulation hoops. you can see the snow coverd form of a basketball on one side of the court, and the yard is mostly empty. unfortunatly for you, the wall behind the basketball hoop (leading to the next yard) has an extra 10' of chainlink fence on it, to stop wild shots from ending up in the neighbor's yard. oh, and the snow has almost stopped falling.